From The Word For You Devotional
Paul said, "Let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your heart" (Col. 3:15). Peace is your birthright. Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you" (John 14:27). Just because Jesus left His peace to us doesn't mean it automatically operates in our lives.
It's a reserve we must draw from every day. And the enemy will do everything he can to deplete it. He knows when you're in turmoil you do and say things you later regret, plus, when you've lost your peace it's harder to hear from God.
Anxiety is often our first reaction to conflict or problems. In those moments getting peaceful may seem disloyal or apathetic. Subconsciously we think "if I care, I'll worry. If this is important, I must stay upset." It's a misguided belief that the outcome will be positively affected by the amount of time we spend worrying.
No, your best problem-solving resource is peace. Solutions arise more easily and naturally out of a peaceful state, whereas, fear and anxiety block solutions. Anxiety empowers the problem: it doesn't help to harbor turmoil.
God's peace is available if you choose it. So, refuse to let negative emotions run amok in your life. The Bible says, "When the Holy Spirit controls our lives he will produce in us peace" (Gal. 5:22). Jesus said, "Do not let your hearts be troubled" (Jn 14:1). That means you have the option of choosing between peace and inner conflict. So choose peace - it's your inheritance!
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