Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sticky Lives

by Donna L. Watkins

We'd all like to have a smooth-sailing kind of life with few bumps or waves to rock our boat. Sadly, some of us even expect life to be this way, so when a ripple comes our way, we're discouraged, depressed and despondent about why life is so hard.

© 2009 Donna L. Watkins - Spider and Web
As we go through life, there will be seasons when the emotional and physical trials of life seem too much for us to handle.

Suffering comes in many forms. Death. Divorce. Wayward children. Natural disasters, persecution, illness, job loss, financial ruin. We as Christians are not exempt from the sufferings of this world. We were destined to suffer.

Peter encourages us with, “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you” (1Peter 4:12). We should be prepared for trouble by building our faith so we won't be caught off guard in times of trial and testing.

Jesus once said, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). In Christ we can overcome our circumstances and rise above reality to a spiritual realm of peace and even joy in the midst of it all. We can "soar on wings like eagles, run and not be weary, walk and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31). It won't make sense to anybody around you, but your heart and spirit will rejoice.

Trials are not meant to produce anger and bitterness. They are for building our faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. We need faith in our lives and troubles will build it in us if we lean into God and trust. In these trials, we can rejoice because we know that Christ has promised us something far better.

We are instructed to give thanks in all circumstances: "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you (IThessalonians 5:18). That doesn't mean we have to be thankful ... we give thanks in faith that God has a plan and we are willing to trust Him for our lives each day, not only when things are going well.

When life gets sticky, we have to move into the spirit realm for the resources provided for us. Have you ever wondered how a spider can walk all over that sticky web and not get stuck, while its prey flies in and is trapped? The provision God gave the spider is oil. It's tiny suction cup shaped feet exude fresh oil with each step. For us, oil represents the Holy Spirit, who will guide us at all times if we listen with our heart.

Don't get trapped like the spider's prey. Rise above the circumstances and rest in Him. Allow Him to soothe your broken heart and show you the good that is coming out of the situation. If we look with our eyes of love toward the Father, He will always comfort us. Jesus said in John 14:16, "And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever."

We have a different option, a different calling in the way we respond to trials and troubles. Ask God to anoint you with His fresh oil each step of the way as you walk to victory over the circumstances.

Hearing God's Voice
The book that is having a monumental impact on my life and way of living is one called, How To Hear God's Voice by Mark and Patti Virkler. The clear and detailed content with loads of Scriptural backup, along with the interactive process of applying what you are learning, is yielding a lot of spiritual fruit in my life and the life of my husband, the counselor, who is now promoting the book to everyone he knows. Your view of the present, past and future will never be the same when you begin to commune with God as He always intended us to do since He walked with man in the Garden of Eden. For those who yearn for a deeper relationship with the Father, this book will take you there if you read and apply it. The author promises that and I do too!

Copyright and Reprint Information
The photo(s) and article are copyrighted. You may use them if you include the following credit and active link back to this website:
© 2009 Donna L. Watkins - This article was reprinted with permission from
The link URL is:

Costa Rica: Lizard Walks On Water

© 2008 Donna L. Watkins - Basilisk Lizard - La Selva, Costa Rica
My first visit to Costa Rica offered a view of the Basilisk Lizard that walks on water, and every visit since I've been fascinated with them. They are commonly called Jesus Christ Lizards.

Here's some great information about this very cool lizard from

"Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea." Matthew 14:25

Would you like to be able to walk on water the way Jesus did? The closest human beings have come to walking on water is water skiing, which some even do without skis. But they still need a powerful and noisy power boat to do it. But there is an animal that can walk on water without help of any kind.

The basilisk lizard is yet another tribute to God's unlimited creativity, knowledge and power. Basilisk are found from Mexico to Ecuador and are equally at home in the trees, on the ground and in or on the water.

© 2008 Donna L. Watkins - Basilisk Lizard - La Selva, Costa Rica
The basilisk is an excellent climber and can outrun any enemy on the ground. Since its back legs are proportionately longer than its front legs, when it needs extra speed, it can run just on its back legs. It runs so fast that it can run across the surface of a body of water that's up to 100 feet wide. That's impressive for a creature that can reach two feet in length!

Skin flaps on both sides of its back toes, as well as scale fringes on the toes, help the basilisk to stay on the surface. Should the basilisk run into danger while crossing the water, it sinks beneath the surface and either swims or runs along the bottom in a different direction. The lizard is able to stay underwater for several hours.

While the basilisk's method of walking on water is different from our Lord's, its abilities come from the same God. This lizard shows the wisdom and power of God to do things that seem impossible to us, including giving forgiveness of sins and eternal life to us through His Son, Jesus Christ.


Euthanasia Alternative: Pet Hospice

Up until just a few years ago, people had one treatment option for their terminally ill pets–euthanasia–and the average veterinarian thought it better to get it over with sooner rather than later.

But if Eleonora Babayants had listened to the veterinarian who advised her to put her dog Lima to sleep immediately, she and Lima would have lost out on their additional three years together. Instead of euthanasia, Babayants elected to care for Lima at home, using a relatively new program for dying pets called “pet hospice.”

Pet hospice allows a dying animal to live out the rest of its life at home, pain free and surrounded by its loved ones.

"Human hospice and pet hospice are very similar ideas, because pet hospice is modeled on human hospice programs,” says Kathryn Marocchino, president and founder of Nikki Hospice Foundation for pets, a nonprofit organization that links sympathetic veterinarians with pet owners and provides education and advocacy concerning pet hospice.

“The basic tenet is that you live each day until you die, and you make the best of it. And in both humans and animals, making the best of it revolves around pain management,” she says." Read the entire article.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


As Christians, we recognize the abundance of which Jesus spoke is essential to our wholeness. Yet more often than not, we don't experience or feel that abundance.

Could it be that in seeking and attaining more things, we have actually lost something of inestimable value?

A loss that comes from the misunderstanding that this abundance is essentially and primarily material; a loss that may in no small measure result from confusing our society's ideal of the 'good life' with the 'abundant life.'

If the good life is materialism and the pursuit of the American Dream, the abundant life is authentic wealth. If the good life is individualist and me-centered, the abundant life is characterized by the extension of compassion to all of creation.

Voluntary simplicity must call people to a broader vision -- a vision that sees the connections between ecological and social decline; between environmental and social justice, between personal choices and global issues -- that emerges as a prophetic, compassionate response to today's world.

Related Book: Simpler Living, Compassionate Life: A Christian Perspective.
I have this book and it's really an inspiration of what life here on earth is all about.

Check Your Mouth

From The Word For You Today

Check what's coming out of your mouth. Paul writes, "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17). What are you taking in? What are you giving out?

Faith or fear, hope or discouragement, joy or sadness, truth or error, love or bitterness? The Bible says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof" (Proverbs 18:21).

Notice two things in this Scripture:

(1) This is a life and death issue.
(2) Your words are like seeds; they always produce fruit.

You can't believe God for the best, then go around expecting and expressing the worst. When what you say consistently, contradicts what God's Word says, you're sabotaging yourself.

The words you speak have power - and consequences. So begin to correct yourself. Instead of saying, "I can't change," or "I'll never get out of this mess," start saying what God's Word says. Do what jesus did in the wilderness: open your mouth and declare, "It is written."

Jesus knew the Scriptures so well that He was able to tell Satan, "It's written that I don't have to bow to you. It's written that I don't have to come to you for what I need." And what was the result? "The devil left him, and angels came and attended him" (Matthew 4:11).

When you're under attack open your mouth, declare God's Word, and the forces of heaven will come to your aid!

Most Efficient Use of Solar Power


Dear Pablo: I was wondering what is the most efficient use of solar power? is it small arrays of panels used to heat water, large residential arrays used to power homes, or large solar thermal arrays in the desert?

The answer to this question is a complex 'all of the above.' The use of solar for hot water and electricity on a residence, as well as the use of utility-scale Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) in the desert, are not mutually exclusive.

By far the most cost effective source of hot water and electricity is conservation, that just needs to be said. Reducing electricity and hot water use through behavioral changes costs nothing, and therefore has an immediate benefit in terms of cost savings and environmental impact. Energy and water efficiency technologies such as energy efficient light bulbs and water-saving shower heads have a relatively low cost and a short payback period. Read the entire article - Hot Water From The Sun and more links.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Radically Boost Your Pet's Immune System

Our recent diagnosis of pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease had us focusing on probiotics for our kitty, Squeek. There was a lot of research online about the use of them for both of these diseases and a lot more.

We have always believed in probiotics as an important part of immune health. Anytime we travel to a foreign country, we prepare for a week ahead taking Bifidophilus and then use it morning and evening while we're gone. We don't have to worry about drinking the local water or eating fresh fruits and vegetables which are our favorite foods, being vegetarian.

Since Squeek had gone through a few days of antibiotics, we also wanted to repopulate the natural flora in her intestinal system while we used Silver Shield to keep the immune system killing off the foreign invaders. I know it made a difference for Squeek, but here's a great article strictly related to pets.

One Simple Step to Radically Boost Your Pet's Immune System

At long last, the benefit of probiotics for your companion animals is receiving the attention it deserves in the traditional veterinary community.

Probiotic therapy has been scientifically studied and proved beneficial in the treatment of pets with diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic renal disease, and pancreatitis.

Just as exciting are studies which indicate probiotics positively influence the development and health of your dog’s or cat’s immune system function.

According to Susan G. Wynn, DVM, of the Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Tennessee:

“... it is increasingly clear that manipulation of the ecology of the gastrointestinal tract has powerful systemic effects. Use of probiotics clearly enhances immune function in a number of species, including dogs and cats, and appears to have a role in the treatment of animals with certain gastrointestinal conditions.”

Dr. Wynn goes on to say the use of probiotics in humans in the treatment of recurrent urinary tract infections, the prevention and management of allergies, and other conditions, suggests further potential benefits for our four-legged companions. Read entire article.

Affordable Shipping Container House

Shipping containers are at the forefront of a new era of usefulness. Traditionally used to carry goods via cargo ship, train or truck, these steel boxes are capable of withstanding huge amounts of pressure and weight. This makes them structurally stable, fireproof, mold-proof and weather-proof.

Unfortunately each has a lifespan of only 20 years for its original purpose. That means when their work is done hauling stuff, they get retired and sent to junk yards or landfills even though they are still structurally solid.

Now architects and designers recognize their usefulness as building blocks for homes, offices, apartments, schools and more. This home in Quebec was built by a couple intent on reducing the amount of wood that goes into building homes and also saving money. View photos and rest of the story..

How to Hear God

Have you ever thought God was saying something to you, but you weren't sure it was really His voice you were hearing? Have you found yourself thinking, How do I know it was really God I heard and not my own imagination—or worse, the enemy?

God's solution is simple: ''If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him'' (James 1:5, NIV). When we need to know if we are hearing God's voice, all we have to do is ask Him!

We can go to God, tell Him what we think we heard Him say, and then ask Him to confirm it or correct our hearing on the matter. God wants to give us an understanding of what He says to us because He wants to communicate with us. He is eager to teach us to correctly hear His voice.

What are some steps we can take to make sure we're hearing God?

Hearing God's Voice
The book that is having a monumental impact on my life and way of living is one called, How To Hear God's Voice by Mark and Patti Virkler. The clear and detailed content with loads of Scriptural backup, along with the interactive process of applying what you are learning, is yielding a lot of spiritual fruit in my life and the life of my husband, the counselor, who is now promoting the book to everyone he knows. Your view of the present, past and future will never be the same when you begin to commune with God as He always intended us to do since He walked with man in the Garden of Eden. For those who yearn for a deeper relationship with the Father, this book will take you there if you read and apply it. The author promises that and I do too!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Ultimate Flea Trap

I just stumbled upon this product at, but after hearing several friends talk about the ordeal of their flea problems, I thought I'd share it to give all pet owners some hope and relief.

The best part is that there's no poisons involved. Nothing to damage the health of your pets, children or you. And no residual toxins in the carpet or pet's bloodstream. I love a natural solution! And a frugal one to boot!

Product Info:
This flea trap monitors and controls flea infestations. The patented design features produce the high efficacy of the trap. Lured in by the trap's color, the heat and light from the bulb, and the sweet odor inserted in the specially formulated sticky glue disc, fleas don't stand a chance.

This flea trap lets pet owners see results. The non-poisonous and odorless trap enables safe placement around children and pets and comes fully assembled and ready-to-use. Refills are also available.

The reviews on it are really good ... View the Ultimate Flea Trap

This website is sponsored by The Herbs Place, distributor of Nature's Sunshine herbs, supplements, essential oils and more at wholesale prices.

Dealing With Difficulties

by Donna L. Watkins

Life is full of them ... trials, troubles, tragedies, tribulations, difficult seasons of life. How we react to them is key to our survival and navigation through them.

© 2009 Donna L. Watkins - Blue Ridge Country Cow
If we don't learn how to “give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18), then we just become more and more bitter with each event. I also believe that bitterness of soul makes for a bitter life. We tend to attract the environment we feel comfortable in ... and in a sense, if we're bitter, that's the environment we feel comfortable in.

Similar to those who grow up with alcoholic parents, a dysfunctional and sometimes abusive lifestyle that any child would want to escape. However, statistics show that those children generally marry somebody with similar (generally not identical) issues. We mentally want to be somebody different, but we don't know how to live life outside of the dysfunctional view of things, so we attract somebody that we're comfortable with. And the beat goes on ...

I like what Louisa May Alcott says: "I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning how to sail my ship."

When we give our lives to Christ, we are given a new life. As with any gift, we don't have to take it. We don't have to believe that things can now be different with Christ in us and we in Christ. We don't always spend the time needed to see how to implement this new lifestyle. We can read a lot of Scripture and do Bible studies, but we need to be doers of the Word, not hearers only, so it takes time to internalize each principle and facet of our new lifestyle options.

Being a Christian doesn't protect us from the same troubles the world has. The promise given us is that Jesus will be with us every minute and step of the way. His comfort can make the difference in our joy and peace through the journey. Nothing stays the same, life is always changing and challenging. Our birth certificate came with no guarantees. Eventually, we will have to let go of everything when we die, so why not learn to hold all things lightly, instead of tightly, in our hands?

We have a special little kitty that God sent to me 12 years ago and awhile back we had to go to the Emergency Vet in a nearby city because our cat had stopped eating right before the holiday weekend. She will do that for a day or so at times so we weren't concerned at first. She's just a wee little thing at 8.5 pounds and has never had an absorbed interest in food. The weekend was long watching the clock in 30 minute segments to give her droppersful of water. At 6 days without a morsel of food, we couldn't wait it out and headed to a strange vet. Not an easy situation for me or her.

I'm not fond of medical situations since my mother was taken into the hospital for a minor foot issue and was given diabetic meds when she wasn't eating the meals, so she went into a diabetic coma and never came out. I found out the details from her very kind doctor who had talked her into her first hospital visit rather than outpatient treatment. She died on Christmas Eve. Only five months later, my father was in the hospital and ready to be released the next day and died an hour after I was told of the release. No explanation. I do know my daddy was totally lost without my mother and had Alzheimer's progressing, so mercy it was to have him be in Heaven instead of this earth. Blaming is not a healing force.

I don't remember having any bitterness about the situation since I know the timing for death is God's and His mercy is beyond our understanding. I had more self-condemnation, like there was something I could've done to not allow it to happen. Isn't it funny how we sometimes think we can actually control our own lives and the lives of others? I've not done that well with plenty of other situations in life. Seems death is more understandable to me than troubles.

Our choice in all situations is to believe that God knows best for us and all the intricate connections surrounding each of our lives. His purpose for us is to mature us in Christ so we can live eternity in a better manner than we have on Earth.

Believing God knows best ... trusting He has only goodness in the situation for us ... easier said than done, I know. Many people have blamed God and accused Him of being mean and uncaring. There is no one to turn to that will bring peace into your life once you turn away from God.

We do reap consequences for our actions. If we judge we will be judged. God is just as any good parent should be, but He sent His only Son so that we could have comfort and peace and love and mercy and compassion all wrapped around us in the arms of Jesus.

What I do is continue to ask Jesus to show me where He is and I see Him in the situation. I did that with our vet visit. Waiting for an hour for the vet in the exam room, I continually asked Him where He was and my mind would picture Him somewhere. It was a great comfort to know He was with me and I knew it was a comfort to Squeek also -- even if only because I was much calmer. Animals do pick up on our energy and anxiety.

Not too sure about vision and imagination? Consider how much Scripture relates to visions in the Bible. That wasn't just for those people. God gave us to ability to visualize so we can see Him in our lives. Don't you remember as a child, when you heard all those Bible stories? You would picture the scenes happening as the story was read. Was that evil? God says we are to be like children, maybe because children have such great imaginations.

We can accept His comfort or we can turn away in anger and blame. Which one do you think will heal your heart? What kind of picture do you see of God and Jesus? Does your picture agree with what the Bible says? Maybe it's time to go back to those situations that have left scars on your life, and ask Jesus to show you where He was in the situation. Make time for this. Your assumptions have not brought you any peace in life. Why not try something different?

Related Article: Vision and Imagination

Hearing God's Voice
The book that is having a monumental impact on my life and way of living is one called, How To Hear God's Voice by Mark and Patti Virkler. The clear and detailed content with loads of Scriptural backup, along with the interactive process of applying what you are learning, is yielding a lot of spiritual fruit in my life and the life of my husband, the counselor, who is now promoting the book to everyone he knows. Your view of the present, past and future will never be the same when you begin to commune with God as He always intended us to do since He walked with man in the Garden of Eden. For those who yearn for a deeper relationship with the Father, this book will take you there if you read and apply it. The author promises that and I do too!

Copyright and Reprint Information
The photo(s) and article are copyrighted. You may use them if you include the following credit and active link back to this website:
© 2009 Donna L. Watkins - This article was reprinted with permission from
The link URL is:

Green Non-Toxic Pest Control

Do you have any creepy crawlies in your house you need to get rid of? You know - termites, roaches, or bats? Well if you do PLEASE educate yourself about the health dangers of chemical exterminators.

Incorporating non-chemical control measures into a treatment protocol reduces the amount of chemical pesticide applied. Using least-impact, low-toxicity products and confining treatment to pest harborages will considerably reduce the hazard of using chemical pesticides. While effective pest control can be achieved solely by non-chemical means in some instances, there will always be a need for professional pest control services. You can find an eco-friendly pest control service near you by doing a Google search for "eco-friendly pest control."

Other resources for less harmful ways to control pests, is and

Missing Acorns Concern for Wildlife

The idea seemed too crazy to Rod Simmons, a measured, careful field botanist. Naturalists in Arlington County couldn't find any acorns. None. No hickory nuts, either. Then he went out to look for himself. He came up with nothing. Nothing crunched underfoot. Nothing hit him on the head.

Then calls started coming in about crazy squirrels. Starving, skinny squirrels eating garbage, inhaling bird feed, greedily demolishing pumpkins. Squirrels boldly scampering into the road. And a lot more calls about squirrel roadkill.

But Simmons really got spooked when he was teaching a class on identifying oak and hickory trees late last month. For 2 1/2 miles, Simmons and other naturalists hiked through Northern Virginia oak and hickory forests. They sifted through leaves on the ground, dug in the dirt and peered into the tree canopies. Nothing.

"I'm used to seeing so many acorns around and out in the field, it's something I just didn't believe," he said. "But this is not just not a good year for oaks. It's a zero year. There's zero production. I've never seen anything like this before."

The absence of acorns could have something to do with the weather, Simmons thought. But he hoped it wasn't a climatic event. "Let's hope it's not something ghastly going on with the natural world." Read the entire article.

This website is sponsored by The Herbs Place, distributor of Nature's Sunshine herbs, supplements, essential oils and more at wholesale prices.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Best Food For Birds

The most frequent visitors to your backyard will be seed eating birds. Black-oil sunflower seed is the most popular choice of seed eating birds. In fact the experts at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service endorse sunflower seed as the #1 choice for most wild birds.

Black-oil sunflower has a higher percentage of meat and is a very nutritious source of high quality protein. The softer outer shell makes it easy for smaller birds like chickadees, nuthatches, titmice, goldfinches, pine siskins and finches. The seed also boasts a high concentration of oil which is especially important in the Winter. Birds will use their oil glands to spread the oil over their feathers to keep them buoyant, dry and warm.

Sunflower seed will disappear first in your feeding station. If you have ever offered a wild bird seed mix to your birds, you may have noticed that your birds will push aside the other seed in pursuit of the sunflower seed. Get the maximum enjoyment out of your wild bird feeding by offering black-oil sunflower seed!


This website is sponsored by The Herbs Place, distributor of Nature's Sunshine herbs, supplements, essential oils and more at wholesale prices.

The photo(s) and article are copyrighted. You may use either of them if you include the following credit and active link back to this website:
© 2009 Donna L. Watkins - This article was reprinted with permission from The link to use is:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Which Seeds Are Best For Birds?

As the weather turns cooler, it’s time for backyard birders to start cleaning out feeders and stocking up on supplies for winter feeding. Trying to decide which bird seed to buy?

Surprisingly, the answer is not clear-cut. Despite our enthusiasm for backyard feeding—more than 50 million people feed wild birds in the United States alone—very little science has gone into understanding the nutritional needs of wild birds or even which seeds they like to eat. Here are some of the most recent findings.

How To Brush Your Dog's Teeth

While many people like the smell of puppy breath, the same can’t be said for “Dog breath”. It’s almost universally considered as eye-stingingly unpleasant. This phrase has even been used as a play-ground insult! While it’s a joke to some, when you look at the science behind foul panting, it’s clear that bad breath is anything but funny.

In fact, bad breath is epidemic, affecting four out of five companion animals over the age of three. Additionally, this condition could be a sign of dental disease, which can lead to health consequences throughout the whole body, not just in the mouth.

As some veterinarians have rightly noted, infections of the gums and teeth can spread to other parts of the body, including the heart, kidneys and intestinal tract … even the joints! Read the entire article and watch the instruction video.

Monday, November 16, 2009

My No-Chocolate Anniversary

It's now eleven (11) years since I've had chocolate. As an anniversary celebration, I am posting this previous article that I wrote three years ago. Today is also my deceased mom's birthday. She was actually my grandmother who raised me. She would be 99 years old today. I know she is rejoicing in my no chocolate celebration also.

Let me encourage you to not stop trying to overcome. There's always a way out! God will speak to you to tell you where to find your exit door. Don't give up!

Escaping Temptation
by Donna L. Watkins

What temptations are you challenged with? Too much shopping, television, food, anger at not being able to control others around you? I was trapped by chocolate. It seemed to rule my life. When I wanted to celebrate I thought chocolate. When I was miserable and needed comfort, I thought chocolate. When there was a holiday, it was all about chocolate. I grew up near Hershey, PA, and my dad had relatives working in the factory, so we had 25 pound melting blocks of chocolate in our refrigerator. We used an ice pick to chop off pieces and placed them in a bowl kept in the refrigerator for ready access.

I watched my mom eat chocolate until she was so sick from so much of it in her system. I learned well the pattern that you ate food for comfort. Why would I continue to eat anything beyond my mind and body screaming for my hand to stop feeding my mouth? I was compelled to finish "the whole thing." Looking back my life seemed to revolve around this addiction. I didn't see it then, but so much of my thinking was about chocolate. I struggled with this while single and when I married and changed to a natural food diet in the late 70's sugar was no longer on the approved list of household foods. That didn't take it off of my mind.

Funny I never noticed that eating for comfort brought any comfort to my mom .... nor myself, but for a fleeting moment. Those first few bites of delectable joy would turn into sickness and guilt at being so out of control. Self-control is at the basis of any life goal whether diet, finances, or relationships. It's a learned behavior and it provides grand and wonderful results in life. Self-control will allow you to reach the goals and dreams you have. If you want to be the picture of health, you'll need to control what you eat and consider the amount of exercise you get. If you have a financial goal, you will only attain it if you have self-discipline to save rather than spend. If you need instant gratification of surrounding yourself with many little things, you will never reach the goal of getting the big things.

If you win the lottery, it will not solve the problem if your pattern is to get what you want now. You will burn through those lottery bucks as fast as you do your own paycheck, because it's self-discipline that determines where you get to in finances or any other area of life.

God provides a way of escape for the temptations that steal your life away. He knew you would have them and when you got saved it was part of the package to have a way out. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 11:3, "I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray." Paul struggled with temptations, the new and old nature, and he chose to press toward the mark (the goal), forgetting what was behind and looking ahead. (Phillipians 3)

In I Corinthians 9:27 Paul said he beat his body and makes it his slave. We do not have to be carried away into debt, a search for acceptance in wrong places, or obesity. You can't watch much television, read newsprint and magazines, or spend time walking in malls and shopping centers if you want to listen to other voices than what the world is saying. The world around you is in financial chaos. Companies will try any way they can to keep you consuming. Most credit card debt is for purchases that are gone before the debt is even paid off.

You can live in the world, but not be of it. It's still a choice! God says, "No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it." (I Corinthians 10:13) I think we make deals with the devil every day when we don't live true to ourselves. I struggled with chocolate for many years battling the thoughts for many months before I would allow myself to have "just one piece" and then fall into the addiction all over again. I tried to do it only on my own strength.

One day I humbled myself and told God that I couldn't do it. I needed His way of escape and made a deal with God. If He would take away my craving, I would always say "NO" to chocolate. I had just eaten some so I knew I would need some time to physically withdraw from the chocolate. I didn't expect to immediately not crave it. It was in my system, so I had to continue to take that way of escape and say 'no' until it was out of my system. As I remember it was about three weeks. After that I never had the craving for chocolate again. That was in November 1998. In January of the following year, our son "left the nest" and moved from Alabama to Oklahoma, and I was also dealing with menopause.

I kept my eyes on the Master, on my commitment. I didn't crave it and I didn't want it, but my mind could not believe either of those facts. It seemed as though I could have eat it and not be bothered by it, but I had a commitment and a deal made with God. It's been over 8 years and my mind still can't believe it. We earned a cruise trip last year and they had a chocolate night with everything chocolate, besides all the chocolate on the dessert tables every day. Nothing moved me. It's a settled issue. The devil can't take me there again. No more ups and downs with mood swings, no more battles in my mind for needing chocolate.

Police Dogs TemptedDog trainers begin by throwing the dog a piece of meat. As time progresses the dog is trained to desire obeying the "master" more than his desire to eat. The trainer teaches him to keep his eyes on the "master" no matter what is put before him. This photo has traveled around the internet many times.

As you look at this long line of German Shepherds with a cat walking five feet in front of them, you will notice various levels of the obedience mentioned above. None of them have left the line to go after the cat. However, there is one just about dead center that is standing, the rest are still sitting. Some are looking at the cat, some are looking at the trainer. What a great example of the power within us to do right. Not right because of some law or rule, but to do what we really want to do in our heart. Let God's "escape" allow you to set your coarse for your goal and make it!

This website is sponsored by The Herbs Place, distributor of Nature's Sunshine herbs, supplements, essential oils and more at wholesale prices.

Silver Shield Is On Sale

Silver Shield Liquid is On Sale November 16 - 23, 2009

This is not your common colloidal silver.

We're very excited that Nature's Sunshine has offered this product on sale again. We've had so many customers stocking up on this to support their immune systems.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

True Faith

by Donna L. Watkins

When we're in the midst of trials and grief, we can't see beyond our emotions and the events. In all things we need to give thanks ... not be thankful! ... but give thanks to God that He is in control and has a plan.

© 2009 Fawn Behind Our Woodland Pond in Backyard
Although today you can't imagine that you'll ever be able to believe it was meant for good, God will show you more of what you want to know if you can seek Him in faith wanting to believe that "everything works for good" when we love God.

Elisabeth Elliot said, "True faith only goes into operation when there are no answers."

God says, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways" (Isaiah 55:8).

The truth is, God doesn't think like us. He sees the big picture and works toward a specific end.

In a conversation with His disciples, Jesus said, "I have many more things to say ... but they are too much for you now" (John 16:12).

When you find yourself doubting and questioning God, pray: "Lord, believing isn't easy when I'm hurt and confused, and You are silent. Like Thomas, I want proof that You love me. Help me see beyond my desire for peace and comfort, beyond my doubts and unanswered questions, and grasp the truth of Your unfailing love and grace."

"Weeping may go on all night, but joy comes with the morning" (Psalm 30:5). A night and a morning is not a literal time frame. I think of this as seasons of our lives. God will help up pick up the pieces and rebuild our lives even better than we knew, but we have to get beyond believing that we must suffer, grieve and live in sorrow because something was awful enough for us to surrender our own life because of it.

The Enemy would love for you to stay stuck right where you are ... but Jesus is holding out His hand to pull you close and hug you and cry with you and heal your mind and heart. Will you reach out and let Him?

Hearing God's Voice
The book that is having a monumental impact on my life and way of living is one called, How To Hear God's Voice by Mark and Patti Virkler. The clear and detailed content with loads of Scriptural backup, along with the interactive process of applying what you are learning, is yielding a lot of spiritual fruit in my life and the life of my husband, the counselor, who is now promoting the book to everyone he knows. Your view of the present, past and future will never be the same when you begin to commune with God as He always intended us to do since He walked with man in the Garden of Eden. For those who yearn for a deeper relationship with the Father, this book will take you there if you read and apply it. The author promises that and I do too!

Copyright and Reprint Information
The photo(s) and article are copyrighted. You may use them if you include the following credit and active link back to this website:
© 2009 Donna L. Watkins - This article was reprinted with permission from
The link URL is:

Costa Rica Photographs and Videos

by Donna L. Watkins

I love Costa Rica and its many fascinating destinations. The enticement for me is the abundant birds and wildlife. I've been able to spend 13 weeks there in my lifetime and hope to continue adding to it in years to come. With winter coming in I am dreaming of Costa Rica and my photos and videos make me feel like I'm there.

I'm not the type to return to the same place. Loving travel, I've always wanted to go to a place I've never been on "the next trip." But I've fallen in love with Costa Rica's wild rainforest jungles. To me, it's a visual representation of the Garden of Eden.

Here's links to some videos and there are more Costa Rica Videos at the main gallery, along with Costa Rica Photographs.

Here's some videos by name:

Spider Monkeys

Great Tinamou

Central American Agouti

White-nosed Coati

Great Curassow Courtship Display
Great Curassow Couple Cleaning Up

Montezuma Oropendulas Nesting

Mantled Howler Monkey Mom and Baby
Juvenile Mantled Howler Monkey Eating in Tree

Leaf Cutter Ants Parade
Leaf Cutter Ants Harvesting Tree Leaves

Crested Guans Sharing a Piece of Fruit
Crested Guan Feeding in Tree

Collared Peccaries on Trail

A Rocha - Christian Conservation

The first A Rocha project began in Portugal in 1983. A field study centre and bird observatory was established near the Alvor estuary and it has now been visited by thousands of people from many countries.

All over the world, Christians are realizing that important habitats and their wildlife urgently need protection and so, since 1994, new A Rocha projects have started in other parts of Europe, the Middle East, Africa, North America and Australasia.

The international cross-cultural strength of the Christian community has been making a unique contribution, not least as communities struggle to reconcile the need to protect biodiversity with their hopes for sustainable development.

A Rocha projects have a community emphasis, bringing together people from widely differing backgrounds to work towards common goals. Read more and view short video.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Termites in Dead Trees

by Donna L. Watkins

I was on a forum to list a local classified ad and saw a post about trees. Being a tree lover, I had to click. One of the posts mentioned they had two dead oaks cut down and they were "infested with termites." I don't know if they thought that the termites killed the tree or what, but termites eat decaying wood, they are a huge part of the reason our forest floors are not piled high with fallen trees.

© 2007 Donna L. Watkins - Termites During Swarming Cycle of Life
Termites in dead trees are a good thing. Wouldn't you rather give them a table to eat outside of your home? Another reason to leave dead trees in your yard. More reasons mentioned below.

We've lived on wooded property since 1990 and have never had our house sprayed for termite protection. Our last home we built and since we put enough down on the mortgage we didn't need termite coverage for the loan. Here at Lake Monticello I doubt the builder did anything before selling it to us in 2000 and we've not had it done.

Yes, we do inspect. They're easy to detect if you look for the signs. Here's a great article on How To Inspect Your Home For Termites by a professional.

Now ... when we lived in suburbia, we tried that same theory (because I had chemical allergies and didn't want the asthma). We had termite problems and then needed treatment and repair. Obviously there wasn't an alternative dinner table for the termites on a street with only the customary 1-2 "decorator" trees on the front lawn.

There's also a lot of wildlife that eats termites: spiders and bugs, most species of birds, small lizards and skinks and even snakes. Nature provides a great array of termite inspectors and eaters.

Nature loves to balance itself out if we leave it alone, because when you remove one thing (the trees), you only upset the apple cart on another problem.

An example is one year when we had cottony scale. Before we "did something about it" we had a surprise. It's incredibly humbling to realize how little I know about the natural world around me. It sure has a lot of life lessons to teach me.

Copyright and Reprint Information
The photo(s) and article are copyrighted. You may use them if you include the following credit and active link back to this website:
© 2009 Donna L. Watkins - This article was reprinted with permission from
The link URL is:

Recycled and Recharged Tennis Balls

A decade ago, while volunteering as a high school tennis coach, Bill Dirst began exploring different methods of recharging lifeless tennis balls. With the technology perfected, Rebounces is bringing their offering to the masses.

Every tennis player has experienced the pain of throwing tennis balls away after a few hours of use. Rebounces is determined to make this pain a thing of the past by launching a national tennis ball recycling initiative while helping grow the game by offering recharged practice balls at a substantially discounted price. Check out

Under Pressure

From The Word For You Today

Do you feel like you're in a tunnel with no way out? Rejoice, you're positioned for a miracle!

Paul said, "We are pressed on every side by troubles, but not crushed and broken. We are perplexed ... but we don't give up and quit. We are hunted down, but God never abandons us. We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going" (2 Corinthians 4:8-9).

A certain amount of pressure is necessary to release our faith, and God knows exactly how much to apply. He allows us to get to where:
(a) We've exhausted our own resources.
(b) We're tired of Satan stealing what God says is ours.
(c) The opinions of others no longer control us.

It's the place Hannah found herself in when she prayed in the temple, 'In distress of soul ... and weeping bitterly" (I Samuel 1:10). She was under such pressure because of her childless state that when she began to unburden herself before God, the church hierarchy thought she was drunk. But when you're desperate, you're not overly concerned about blowing the minds of religious onlookers; your only concern is touching the heart of God.

With God there are no hopeless situations, just people who've grown hopeless about them. Real faith comes into its own when push collides with shove. After all, you don't need God to part the Red Sea when there are bridges all around, right?

It's when there's nothing you can do to avoid the inevitable, that you start trusting God to do the impossible! So the crisis you're experiencing today could be a blessing in disguise - an opportunity to experience a greater degree of His power at work in your life.

Hearing God's Voice
The book that is having a monumental impact on my life and way of living is one called, How To Hear God's Voice by Mark and Patti Virkler. The clear and detailed content with loads of Scriptural backup, along with the interactive process of applying what you are learning, is yielding a lot of spiritual fruit in my life and the life of my husband, the counselor, who is now promoting the book to everyone he knows. Your view of the present, past and future will never be the same when you begin to commune with God as He always intended us to do since He walked with man in the Garden of Eden. For those who yearn for a deeper relationship with the Father, this book will take you there if you read and apply it. The author promises that and I do too!

Copyright and Reprint Information
The photo(s) and article are copyrighted. You may use them if you include the following credit and active link back to this website:
© 2009 Donna L. Watkins - This article was reprinted with permission from
The link URL is:

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Laminins Are God's Cellular Glue

Laminins are a family of proteins that are an integral part of the structural basis of membranes in almost every animal tissue. Laminins are what literally hold us together. God created us in a fashion where HE would hold us together in HIS design.

This video shows you how awesome God really is! He physically made you with The Cross inside. Watch this and pass it on to all those who are discouraged and doubting that God can carry them through this ordeal, trouble or trial. He made us so that HE could hold us together through it all. It's amazing and incredible!

Is God Personal?  How close is he to you? This is a great testimony of how fearfully and wonderfully you are made!  Watch the short version of this video.

Creation Care and Conservation

Resources for General Information and Inspiration
This addition to the SustainLane website is a growing source of articles, reviews, green job postings, and other helpful resources related to creation care.
An evangelical environmental network that seeks to educate, inspire, and mobilize Christians to be faithful stewards of God’s creation.
A coalition concerned with environmental problems and Jewish life issues.
The Arizona Ecumenical Conference sponsors a Caring for Creation Conference each year, with the goal of inspiring and mobilizing Christian communities to build a just and sustainable future for all God’s creation.
National Council of Churches of Christ Eco-Justice Programs. Believing that God calls us to be stewards of his creation, this organization seeks to make churches more environmentally friendly and helps to protect God’s creation for current and future generations.
This site contains guides and tips for “going green” in all aspects of life such as home, community, work, school, etc. (also
An online resource for the global conservation community to find and share innovations and lessons learned for the practice of conservation.
Check out updates and blogs on current environmental issues and newsworthy political actions or events related to the environmental protection movement.
A Christian environmental Web site to educate people about the appropriate biblical response to the disregard of God’s creation.
Christian Ecology Link, a multidenominational UK Christian organization for people concerned about the environment.
Network Alliance of Congregations Caring for the Earth is an ecumenical, voluntary, tax-exempt organization whose purpose is to encourage Christians in the work of healing the damaged earth, out of a common concern and love for God’s creation.
The Web site of Earth Ministry. This organization was formed to inspire and mobilize the Christian community to play a leadership role in building a just and sustainable future for all of God’s creation.
A Christian conservation organization whose projects are cross cultural in character and share a community emphasis, with a focus on science and research, practical conservation, and environmental education.
Minnesota Episcopal Environmental Stewardship Commission (MEESC). This is a forum for environmental spirituality with a focus on worship, discussion, and various environmental projects.
The Web site of Target Earth, a national movement of Christians reflecting a commitment to stewardship of creation. It addresses ecosystem degradation and provides service to the poor in fifteen countries.
The Regeneration Project is an interfaith ministry devoted to deepening the connection between ecology and faith. Projects include the promotion of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and conservation.
Boise Vineyard Church believes that environmental stewardship is a biblical mandate and a commission from God. The Christian life is one of action and stewardship that leaves the world a better place.
Sierra Club Action Center contains listings and links to environmental news and tips for reducing the human footprint and protecting the flora and fauna of the earth.
Part of the Climate Project, a Web site dedicated to educating people about environmental issues, solving the global warming climate crisis, and repowering America with clean electricity within ten years.
Care of Creation, a Christian environmental organization seeking to awaken and mobilize the church to care for God’s creation in the face of environmental crises that are devastating vast areas of the world and hurting our brothers and sisters.
Tips and news related to the green revolution.
The Web site of the National Wildlife Federation, an organization dedicated to protecting wildlife from global warming, climate change, and abuses by humans.
The Evangelical Climate Initiative is a campaign to advance sound and moral climate change policy, motivated by the values and principles derived from faith in Jesus Christ and the conviction that we are called to protect God’s creation. The site contains educational materials and calls to action for public officials and evangelical leaders.
The Au Sable Institute of Environmental studies is a Christian institute integrating the knowledge of creation with biblical principles for the purpose of bringing the Christian community and the general public to a better understanding of the Creator and stewardship of God’s creation.
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Environmental Justice Program calls Catholics to a deeper respect for and care of God’s creation.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the UN’s leading environmental organization and cosponsor of the IPCC.
Worldwatch Institute is an independent research organization focused on the twenty first century challenges of climate change, resource degradation, population growth, and poverty. Priority programs include building a low-carbon energy system, creating a healthy future for agriculture, and developing a sustainable global economy.
The Union of Concerned Scientists is the leading science-based nonprofit working for a healthy environment. They combine independent scientific research and citizen action to develop innovative, practical solutions and to secure responsible changes in government policy, corporate practices, and consumer choices.
Grist is an online source of daily environmental news and analysis.
Information on a wide variety of environmental topics.
National Geographic’s Web site with resources for preserving planet Earth.
The National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE) was founded in 1993 to weave the mission of care for God’s creation across all areas of organized religion. Their faith-based environmental programs reflect spiritual and biblical teachings.
The Evangelical Covenant Church wrote the “Resolution on Creation Care” in 2007 expressing urgency for improving and changing how we practice “creation care” for the air we breathe, the water we drink, the oceans we fish, and the land we cultivate.
This Web site contains all the Natural Resources Defense Council’s latest press releases, as well as links to blogs and other Web sites about going green.
This Web site is full of “green” resources including the latest environmental news, money savers and products, and transportation issues.
On this Web site you can order the book The Land of Curiosities, which is a fictional eco-adventure of a family exploring Yellowstone Park who learn to protect each other and the environment. Curriculum for this first book and upcoming books in the series are also available for teachers.

Source: Blessed Earth is an educational nonprofit that inspires and equips faith communities to become better stewards of the earth. Through outreach to churches, campuses and media we build bridges that promote measurable environmental change and meaningful spiritual growth.

This website is sponsored by The Herbs Place, distributor of Nature's Sunshine herbs, supplements, essential oils and more at wholesale prices.

CareCredit for Pets - No Interest Payment Plans

While I was at the Emergency Vet for our kitty, Squeek, I noticed a brochure on CareCredit. It appears it's a credit card you can use for your pets needs, with no interest payment plans. I scanned the brochure and have scanned the website. Seems too good to be true. If you find any "gotchas" leave a comment below.

Here's some info from their website:

He's your best pal. Your loyal cuddling partner. Your faithful companion. You don't even mind those early morning walks. He needs regular checkups, just like the rest of us. He gets sick, too.

CareCredit is here to help keep him healthy with the card designed specifically for you and your pet's health needs. Whether it's an everyday checkup, or an emergency surgery, we offer you convenient monthly payment options, no up-front costs, no prepayment penalties and no annual fees so you can worry about the important stuff. You know, like playing fetch and learning new tricks. Read more.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Prayer Day for Persecuted Church

The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is a time set apart for us to remember thousands of our Christian brothers and sisters around the world who suffer persecution, simply because they confess Jesus Christ as Lord.

In the traditional church calendar, "All Saints Day" and "All Souls Day" stand out in the month of November, set apart to remember the saints of the church and the souls of those who departed this world. It is fitting that the modern church has set apart the month of November to remember and pray for the persecuted church, through the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP).

There are many countries in the world today where Christians are martyred for their faith. The world watched in horror the unbridled violence that was unleashed on Christians in Orissa state, India last year. There are other places in the world, such as North Korea, where acts of persecution take place, but we often don’t see or hear the full story. Brother Andrew of Open Doors once said, “Our heroes are not with us simply because they are in prison." Visit the website.

Caring and Sharing

by Donna L. Watkins

It's my morning delight to watch the wildlife around the feeder area. It reminds me we all wake up to God's provision and if we tune in we will find it every time. Right now, there's a sweet young bunny hopping around the grass knowing there's often food in the area. He's right, his breakfast is right behind him because an hour ago I put out some veggie and fruit scraps. He should be relying on his senses to direct him.

© 2009 Cottontail Rabbit Eating Our Fruit and Veggie Scraps
I do the same thing as Mr. Bunny. I know God provides, so I hop around looking here and there rather than tuning into the Spirit. If we follow the aroma of God's love for us, seeking His face for direction, it will take us a lot less time to be fed. Beginning my day with some Bread of Life keeps me from soul starvation. Each day is filled with challenges and I need to have God's promises in my gut to get through them.

The wildlife scraps include watermelon chunks today, one of my favorite fruits. I used to eat watermelon into the green rind, but now, since I slice the rind in pieces for the wildlife when I'm finished eating, I leave a little portion of red for the critters. Today's wildlife salad bar also has carrot ends and peelings, along with apple cores and a few pieces of oatmeal spilled on the counter. Garbage to most people, provision for wildlife.

The rabbits will prefer carrots and apples, leaving the watermelon today for the deer that will soon arrive. Character qualities are as evident in wildlife as they are in humans. There are some that seem to consider that "somebody else" may need a bite to eat. Our bunnies are like that. Then there are the squirrels, who charge into the day determined to get all they can eat and 'squirrel' the rest away for later. They expend more energy fighting for eating rights than they seem to get from the food.

Isn't it easy to run to and fro grabbing all we can to be sure we have enough, even though we've never defined the boundary lines of what is enough. We can squirrel away things and forget we even have them, so we buy them again. Squirrels don't have good memories either. They don't remember where they bury nuts, but they can smell a nut under a foot of snow.

I used to be more like the squirrel than the rabbit. Wasting food is a common practice, but my Pennsylvania Dutch upbringing must've left some remnants of frugality in me, so our family made a choice to not throw away food, thinking of the many that were dying of starvation as a good motivation. One may say, "well you can't send your food to ______, so what's the difference?"

Oh, but you can send your leftovers to nations in famine, to families who live in poverty, to children who are doomed to die of starvation (one every six minutes) ... not by literally sending them your food, but by changing our lifestyle to not have leftovers. Then we will have that money to contribute to the mouths of the starving. It's a grand motivation for put limits on the grocery budget, get rid of junk food in the house, and to eat at home more. Another benefit may be the loss of some extra pounds.

Watching the gentle rabbit, peacefully eating, with big brown eyes and a white cottony tail, reminds me that our choices make a difference in the world, for better or worse. Changing myself to make it possible to change the lives of others has made my life more sweet. I've not lost anything in the process ... I've only gained earthly joy and heavenly rewards ... surely that's the true nature in us.

Related Articles:
Altering Your Intake
What Owns Your Heart?

Copyright and Reprint Information
The photo(s) and article are copyrighted. You may use them if you include the following credit and
active link back to this website:
© 2009 Donna L. Watkins - This article was reprinted with permission from
The link URL is:

Why Care About Creation?

Caring for the Earth is a fundamental part of religious faith. Nearly every major faith tradition and Christian denomination has a statement about the need to respect, enjoy, and protect God’s gift of the world around us.

Underlying these statements are a set of core values that speak to the heart of religious morals and ethics: spirituality, stewardship, sustainability, and justice.

Creation itself inspires us and calls us to care. Many people have had their most profound spiritual experience in nature. As we behold the power and love of God in a mountain range, a sunset, or in the timelessness of the ocean, we can’t help but be moved.

But creation also includes humans – our families, communities, and created landscapes. God created all things of Heaven and Earth and God is our inspiration to care for both wild places and our own cities and backyards. Read the entire article on stewardship and sustainability.

Swine Flu in Pets

Dealing with swine flu is heartbreaking enough and now it's obvious that even our pets are not immune:

The swine flu virus has been confirmed in a cat treated at the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine.

Officials said [today] it's the first known case of the virus to be diagnosed in a cat. Veterinarians say the virus has also been confirmed in two ferrets, one in Oregon and the other in Nebraska.
The 13-year-old cat was treated in Ames, Iowa, and is recovering.

The veterinarian who treated the cat, Dr. Brett Sponseller, says two of the three people in the same house had flu-like symptoms before the cat became ill. The case was confirmed at both Iowa State and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Sponseller says the flu is known to spread from humans to pets, but this is the first case of swine flu to spread to a cat.

Source: Yahoo News.

Keep Pets Calm While Traveling

Traveling can be hard on the family dog or cat. You can help ease your furry friend’s distress with these natural herbal remedies from The Encyclopedia of Natural Pet Care and Natural Remedies for Dogs and Cats, both by C.J. Puotinen.

He cites chamomile, valerian and scullcap for relief of animal anxieties related to travel or new situations. Combining equal parts valerian, scullcap and chamomile tinctures. Use an eyedropper to place three drops of this blend per 10 pounds of body weight into each ear. Tilt the animal’s head to the opposite side, hold the ear closed and gently massage the ear to distribute the tincture.

Ginger can be used to prevent nausea and motion sickness. Find a tincture especially formulated for pets, or make one by filling a pint jar with coarsely chopped fresh ginger root. Fill the jar to the top with vegetable glycerin, available in natural products stores, then let it sit in a warm room for six weeks or longer. Puotinen notes that glycerin has a sweet taste that is palatable to many dogs and cats. Administer orally.

Flower essences are soothing and take the edge off of travel jitters. Puotinen recommends dill for hypersensitivity to the environment; walnut to ease transitions; and Rescue Remedy (see to alleviate fear. Administer them orally or massage into the animal’s ear.

Traveling with a calm animal makes long-distance trips easier. Herbs offer a gentle, effective alternative to traditional drugs when traveling with our favorite four-footed friends. Then we will feel more relaxed, too.

Source: Natural Awakening Magazine
Issue: December 2008

Editor's Note: We used Ginger with our cat when she had an extended bout with vomiting. The drug had a side-effect of loss of appetite and she had gone too long without food, so we switched to the Ginger and it did a wonderful job. I just "brewed" a capsule in water and administered by droppers or put a sprinkle of it in her food that I was force feeding her. It's a great digestive herb also.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Doctors Say They Won't Take Vaccine

Last week Dr. Mercola shared two videos on his site. One from CNN. Another from FOX Chicago. Both interviewing Dr. Mehmet Oz of the The Dr. Oz Show. In both videos Dr. Oz recommends people get the H1N1 vaccine. Then he “winks,”admitting neither his wife nor his four children will be getting the controversial injection.

Dr. Oz acknowledges the risks of paralysis and death (as seen in the 1976 swine flu campaign) but still recommends children and pregnant women get the vaccine.

He also relates how he believes his children already contracted the virus last spring and recovered at home. Yet he stresses that your kids should be immunized.

Most people are aware of the growing evidence demonstrating that vaccines not only make people more susceptible to contracting the swine flu virus – they also increase your risk of suffering severe side effects. Read the entire article.

Another doctor in this news video, Dr. Kent Holtorf, an expert of infectious diseases, says he will not take the vaccine or give it to his children, relating risks for autism and warnings for those with CFS and FM, along with risks for pregnant women.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lessons From The Fern and Bamboo

One day I decided to quit ... I quit my job, my relationship, my Spirituality ... I wanted to quit my life.

I went to the woods to have one last talk with God. "God," I said, "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"

His answer surprised me ... "Look around," He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"

"Yes," I replied.

"When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.

In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo."

He said. "In the third year, there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit.

In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit."

He said. "Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant.

But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle."

He said to me, "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots? I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you. Don't compare yourself to others."

He said. "The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern, yet, they both make the forest beautiful."

"Your time will come, " God said to me. "You will rise high!"

"How high should I rise?" I asked.

"How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return.

"As high as it can?" I questioned.

"Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can."

I left the forest and brought back this story.

I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you ........

Never regret a day in your life.
Good days give you Happiness.
Bad moments give you Experiences.
Both are essential to life.
Keep going...

Happiness keeps you Sweet,
Trials keep you Strong,
Sorrows keep you Human,
Failures keep you Humble,
Success keeps you Glowing,
But only God keeps you Going!

Have a great day ... the Son is shining!

If you know someone having a rough time ... share this with them.

Game Teaches Gardening and Good Bugs

Granted, I'm not a game player, but this one sounds very cool for teaching children and adults more about gardening and good bugs.

Info from about it:

Bugfarm is a DVD-Rom simulation game that teaches children 7+ about gardening and the insect world. Players plant and maintain a virtual garden, choosing crops from acorn squash to zucchini. Pest insects move in as the plants grow, and soon there's a battle being waged over the vegetables. The Spined Soldier Bug is the hero, protecting the garden from the bad bugs.

In the game, you'll play two roles...

As the farmer/gardener, you select crops for your vegetable garden and maintain your plants with water, nutrition and pest control. As the garden grows, you'll see the effects of pest damage and will have the choice to combat it with organic methods, or use pesticides as a last resort.
Protect it from enemies

Your other roA soldier bug defending the gardenle is that of the Spined Soldier Bug, a beneficial insect. You'll crawl, climb and fly almost anywhere within a three-dimensional garden. Like a real bug, you'll hunt your enemies down wherever they are... and rack up points in the process!

Your other role is that of the Spined Soldier Bug, a beneficial insect. You'll crawl, climb and fly almost anywhere within a three-dimensional garden. Like a real bug, you'll hunt your enemies down wherever they are... and rack up points in the process!

Local Is In - Careful of Deception

Local food, local goods, local everything is in, as you’ve no doubt heard. Local is fresher. Local burns less shipping fuel. Local keeps the wealth nearby.

Naturally, there’s money to be made off local, so big businesses are muscling into the game. The emerging term is localwashing—a variation on greenwashing wherein businesses claim to be local when actually ... you get it.

“The ingenuity of the food manufacturers and marketers never ceases to amaze me,” said author Michael Pollan, who’s done more to articulate the need for local in the food realm than maybe anyone else. “They can turn any critique into a new way to sell food. You’ve got to hand it to them.” Look at some prime examples of that ingenuity/absurdity/deception..

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