Saturday, November 14, 2009

True Faith

by Donna L. Watkins

When we're in the midst of trials and grief, we can't see beyond our emotions and the events. In all things we need to give thanks ... not be thankful! ... but give thanks to God that He is in control and has a plan.

© 2009 Fawn Behind Our Woodland Pond in Backyard
Although today you can't imagine that you'll ever be able to believe it was meant for good, God will show you more of what you want to know if you can seek Him in faith wanting to believe that "everything works for good" when we love God.

Elisabeth Elliot said, "True faith only goes into operation when there are no answers."

God says, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways" (Isaiah 55:8).

The truth is, God doesn't think like us. He sees the big picture and works toward a specific end.

In a conversation with His disciples, Jesus said, "I have many more things to say ... but they are too much for you now" (John 16:12).

When you find yourself doubting and questioning God, pray: "Lord, believing isn't easy when I'm hurt and confused, and You are silent. Like Thomas, I want proof that You love me. Help me see beyond my desire for peace and comfort, beyond my doubts and unanswered questions, and grasp the truth of Your unfailing love and grace."

"Weeping may go on all night, but joy comes with the morning" (Psalm 30:5). A night and a morning is not a literal time frame. I think of this as seasons of our lives. God will help up pick up the pieces and rebuild our lives even better than we knew, but we have to get beyond believing that we must suffer, grieve and live in sorrow because something was awful enough for us to surrender our own life because of it.

The Enemy would love for you to stay stuck right where you are ... but Jesus is holding out His hand to pull you close and hug you and cry with you and heal your mind and heart. Will you reach out and let Him?

Hearing God's Voice
The book that is having a monumental impact on my life and way of living is one called, How To Hear God's Voice by Mark and Patti Virkler. The clear and detailed content with loads of Scriptural backup, along with the interactive process of applying what you are learning, is yielding a lot of spiritual fruit in my life and the life of my husband, the counselor, who is now promoting the book to everyone he knows. Your view of the present, past and future will never be the same when you begin to commune with God as He always intended us to do since He walked with man in the Garden of Eden. For those who yearn for a deeper relationship with the Father, this book will take you there if you read and apply it. The author promises that and I do too!

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