Something we don't often think about is that we were created for God's pleasure.
"Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." Rev. 4:11
© Randal J. Watkins - Female Common Whitetail Dragonfly |
We are first and foremost human beings, not human doings. It's so easy to get into the mode of doing things for God as if we're chalking up points that we can redeem when we have an urgent prayer request.
The number one priority in our lives has to be knowing and loving God personally. Not just by some words in the Bible, but to have a personal relationship as Adam and Eve did in the Garden.
Have you ever thought about their justification for existence? There wasn't any church work to be done, no sick to pray for and heal, no deliverance ministry, and they surely didn't need to worry about prosperity. God made sure they had everything they needed.
So, God made them just for His own pleasure; to be an object of His love. And when we love, we want to be loved in return. God created man because He wanted somebody to fellowship with, to talk to in the cool of the evening, and to take pleasure in.
Isn't that an awesome thought! So we really comprehend how much God loves us?
How do we give God pleasure? By praise and thanksgiving.
"Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." Rev. 4:11
In heaven there is constant praise, so it's obviously God's will for us. We were created to be worshipers of God. Satan will throw in every tactic he can find to distract us. Condemnation is a common tool. If we don't feel worthy, we will not desire to approach our Loving Father.
There are many Psalms that direct us to praise our God: Psalm 29:2, 66:4, 7:17, 50:23, 34:1, and 103:1.
"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name." Psalm 100:4
When we begin our conversations with God with praise and thanksgiving, we magnify Him and all of our problems become very small, so that we can spend 80% of our prayer time loving on Him and very little on asking for our needs to be met, because when we love Him and realize how much He loves us, we know He is a Good Daddy and everything will be okay.
So, when if you think that God's mainly interested in what you can DO for Him, take some time in the Word and realize that God longs for us as His children. He wants to be told that He is a Good Daddy. When we have that loving relationship, we will serve Him from that heart of love, not with the hidden mindset that we're earning "brownie points."
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