by Donna L. Watkins
We often get stuck in situations which produce a lot of worry. We get confused on what God is saying or not saying. We have to first believe that God is speaking to us when we pray.
Not all answers to prayer are instantly seen. Satan can hinder God's power even after it has been released. Read Daniel 10:1-13. As you can see from that Scripture, God answered Daniel's prayer right away, but it took 21 days for Daniel to SEE God's answer because the prince of Persia (a demonic power) withheld the manifestation.
Many times we think He hasn't answered because it always comes in the spiritual realm first (God is spirit and we must relate to Him through our spirits). Then it is manifested in the physical realm. If we waver in our confidence of faith in His faithfulness, then we abort the manifestation of our answer to prayer. However, God did answer. Everyone that asks receives, but sometimes we just give up too willingly because we've had too often in our minds that "God doesn't care about me."
Sometimes we simply expect to see handwriting on the wall or a star in heaven to point the way. We have the Almighty God in us (imparted at salvation) and He is directing our steps all of the time. Isaiah 30:21 tells us, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way; walk in it."
Even when we don't see these Truths in our lives, we have to realize that it's us that isn't receiving or maybe understanding the verse as it is written. That's a time to study it in depth. Takes days or weeks. One Scripture can turn your world around if it's imparted as a revelation to you.
We need to be able to hear His voice and that requires relationship with Him. We know the voices of those with whom we speak often. We gain this relationship by being with Him, not in books and devotionals and teachings, but with Him alone so we can listen to what He wants to tell us.
The Word is alive and active (Heb. 4:12) so it comes alive in our spirit. God is spirit (John 4:24) and He communicates to our spirit. If our flesh has been ruling our body (workaholic, entertainment, excess food, not being able to say "No" to requests), then we don't hear our spirit's longing for God.
Don't get hung up on "having to" read the Bible each day. Remember that the early Christians didn't have the written Word of the New Testament. It took decades before the New Testament books were written. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit was to be their guide and teacher. That should still be our focus for today, but you also need to know the Word so that you can discern right from wrong and truth from error. When we're not sure whether we're hearing God, knowing the Word makes it a lot easier because He will not go against His Word.
I'm just saying that we can get a Law mindset of "having to" read the Bible and God may be calling us simply to sit and listen to Him on some days. Too much guilt is placed on Christians for not reading their Bible daily and condemnation never brings one closer to God, even though it's religion doing the condemning, and not God. Romans 8:1 - "Therefore now there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus ..."
For that reason, I'm not for Read the Bible in a Year programs or a more recent Bible study option of Reading the Bible in 90 Days. You can get it read in those amounts of time (not without pressure and frustration) but not with the focus that God intended for us to have in His Word.
There may be one Scripture that He wants you to focus and meditate on for an entire week or longer. It is what will change your life around forever, but if we're on a drill to keep reading and getting it done, we'll miss it. We'll be saying, "God I'm reading Your Word, don't talk to me now!" He wants to see us walking in victory and having an abundant life daily.
Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10).
The devil wants us walking in defeat and encumbered by many activities. We live in a swirling whirling world these days. It takes a determination to keep life simple so that we don't enter into the "hurry, worry, scurry" mindset of life today.
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
If your life is feeling empty ... it's not because Jesus hasn't given you something better ... you've just not believed and walked in it. It takes your time ... it takes living by your priorities.
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Not all answers to prayer are instantly seen. Satan can hinder God's power even after it has been released. Read Daniel 10:1-13. As you can see from that Scripture, God answered Daniel's prayer right away, but it took 21 days for Daniel to SEE God's answer because the prince of Persia (a demonic power) withheld the manifestation.
Many times we think He hasn't answered because it always comes in the spiritual realm first (God is spirit and we must relate to Him through our spirits). Then it is manifested in the physical realm. If we waver in our confidence of faith in His faithfulness, then we abort the manifestation of our answer to prayer. However, God did answer. Everyone that asks receives, but sometimes we just give up too willingly because we've had too often in our minds that "God doesn't care about me."
Sometimes we simply expect to see handwriting on the wall or a star in heaven to point the way. We have the Almighty God in us (imparted at salvation) and He is directing our steps all of the time. Isaiah 30:21 tells us, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way; walk in it."
Even when we don't see these Truths in our lives, we have to realize that it's us that isn't receiving or maybe understanding the verse as it is written. That's a time to study it in depth. Takes days or weeks. One Scripture can turn your world around if it's imparted as a revelation to you.
We need to be able to hear His voice and that requires relationship with Him. We know the voices of those with whom we speak often. We gain this relationship by being with Him, not in books and devotionals and teachings, but with Him alone so we can listen to what He wants to tell us.
The Word is alive and active (Heb. 4:12) so it comes alive in our spirit. God is spirit (John 4:24) and He communicates to our spirit. If our flesh has been ruling our body (workaholic, entertainment, excess food, not being able to say "No" to requests), then we don't hear our spirit's longing for God.
Don't get hung up on "having to" read the Bible each day. Remember that the early Christians didn't have the written Word of the New Testament. It took decades before the New Testament books were written. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit was to be their guide and teacher. That should still be our focus for today, but you also need to know the Word so that you can discern right from wrong and truth from error. When we're not sure whether we're hearing God, knowing the Word makes it a lot easier because He will not go against His Word.
I'm just saying that we can get a Law mindset of "having to" read the Bible and God may be calling us simply to sit and listen to Him on some days. Too much guilt is placed on Christians for not reading their Bible daily and condemnation never brings one closer to God, even though it's religion doing the condemning, and not God. Romans 8:1 - "Therefore now there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus ..."
For that reason, I'm not for Read the Bible in a Year programs or a more recent Bible study option of Reading the Bible in 90 Days. You can get it read in those amounts of time (not without pressure and frustration) but not with the focus that God intended for us to have in His Word.
There may be one Scripture that He wants you to focus and meditate on for an entire week or longer. It is what will change your life around forever, but if we're on a drill to keep reading and getting it done, we'll miss it. We'll be saying, "God I'm reading Your Word, don't talk to me now!" He wants to see us walking in victory and having an abundant life daily.
Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10).
The devil wants us walking in defeat and encumbered by many activities. We live in a swirling whirling world these days. It takes a determination to keep life simple so that we don't enter into the "hurry, worry, scurry" mindset of life today.
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
If your life is feeling empty ... it's not because Jesus hasn't given you something better ... you've just not believed and walked in it. It takes your time ... it takes living by your priorities.
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