Saturday, July 11, 2015

Two Focused Minutes Can Change Your Circumstances

Clint Byars - Forward Ministries
How To Plant God's Word In Your Heart
by Clint Byars

Studies show that if you focus on something for at least 2 minutes, your emotions can change.

This is especially powerful when you're experiencing worry or fear. If you can concentrate on God's truth for at least 2 undistracted minutes, then the fear and worry will begin to subside and you'll begin to allow God's spirit to have his way in your life.

We know that God's spirit is always giving life to our physical bodies and His spirit is always leading us into all truth. This 2 minute exercise is just an intentional step to actually stand on the word of God as your foundation. 

Try it... read the blog post, watch the short (5 min.) video, and/or listen to the audio message on Forward Ministries website.

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