Monday, March 6, 2006

Recipe: Lavender & Tea Tree Spray Cleaner

1 t. borax
2 T. white vinegar
2 c. hot water
1/4 t. Lavender essential oil
3 drops Tea Tree essential oil

Mix all ingredients together and stir until dry ingredients dissolve. Pour into spray bottle for long-term storage and use. Spray as needed on any surface except glass. Scrub and rinse with a clean damp cloth.


Deb said...

At age 53 I have become very sensitive to a lot of things especially sugar. I get canker sores very easily. Is there a herb or something in the kitchen that is natural that can get rid of canker sores?

sharingsunshine said...

I have a friend who had recurring canker sores and had been bothered for many years with them. She began using L-Lysine, an amino acid, and prevented them and it also boosted her immune system since she didn't seem to get colds and flu in winter. I have had the problem only a few times but used the same product with great results.

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