There are simple ways to prevent heat stroke in a dog. Never keep your dog in a car, even with the windows cracked or while the weather is cool. The thermal properties of glass make a car heat up very quickly. HSUS says, "During warm weather, the inside of your car can reach 120 degrees in a matter of minutes, even if you're parked in the shade."
Always make sure outdoor dogs have fresh water and shade that they can reach, preferably a dog house. Don't exercise your dog on very sunny hot days, keeping a watch anytime you are exercising the dog. Keep a watch on the weight of your dog, obese dogs get hotter faster. Preventing heat stroke in a dog is pivotal to protecting it from serious damage and remember, heat stroke can kill.
Heatstroke occurs when normal body mechanisms cannot keep the body's temperature in a safe range. Animals do not have efficient cooling systems (like humans who sweat) and get overheated easily.
A dog with moderate heatstroke (body temperature from 104º to 106ºF) can recover within an hour if given prompt first aid and veterinary care (normal body temperature is 100-102.5°F). Severe heatstroke (body temperature over 106ºF) can be deadly and immediate veterinary assistance is needed.
A dog suffering from heatstroke will display several signs:
* Rapid panting
* Bright red tongue
* Red or pale gums
* Thick, sticky saliva
* Depression
* Weakness
* Dizziness
* Vomiting - sometimes with blood
* Diarrhea
* Shock
* Coma
Read the entire article to know what to do.
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