You know those barren, sloped, stony, weedy, sandy or clay compacted places where you look at aghast and wonder how you could ever get a garden going there? That's where lasagna gardening proves its worth.
Just toss down layer upon layer. That's what a lasagna garden is — layers. The layers are not so planned as a no-dig raised bed garden, where the compost is pre-made and added.
With lasagna gardening it is done by sheet composting whereby the scraps and weeds and old boots if you like are all dumped in one spot... well, layered on top of each other. It's all recycled in one spot.
It really looks like a pig's breakfast, but boy oh boy does it work! Start with whatever materials you have; maybe old leaves, then 5-10 layers of newspaper, or some thick cardboard, next a bucket of kitchen scraps, seaweed, some grass clippings, then straw. Soak it well with water. OR... Read the entire article.
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