Your metabolism, or the body’s rate of burning fuel for energy, depends on a few factors. Genetics and age definitely play a part. But you can help boost your metabolism with certain natural ingredients.
Bitter orange fruit, yerba mate and guarana stimulate metabolism with synephrine and natural caffeine. Ginger also has a metabolic-boosting effect. These ingredients are present in the MetaboMax® Plus formula.
MetaboMax Plus may help increase metabolic fat burn along with healthy diet and exercise. In addition to the above ingredients this formula contains:
• Capsicum and green tea extract help to decrease body fat.
• Chickweed is an integral component of our popular Fat Grabbers® formula.
• Guggulipid herb contains guggulsterones, which help maintain cholesterol levels already within the normal range and decrease circulatory fat deposits. Guggulsterones also have thyroid-stimulating activity.
• MetaboMax Plus may help you burn more calories, burn more fat and boost energy levels. It also provides beneficial antioxidants (EGCG from green tea) and may have healthful effects on already normal-range cholesterol levels.
Q: What if I don’t want any extra caffeine?
MetaboMax Free formula was developed in tandem with MetaboMax Plus for those who desire weight-management support without caffeine. MetaboMax Free contains capsicum, decaffeinated green tea extract, bitter orange fruit, ginger, chickweed and guggulipid.
Q: I love bread and pasta. Is there a way to block starches without Rx drugs?
Amylase is one of the enzymes the body uses to break down starchy foods. Carbo Grabbers with Chromium contains an amylase inhibitor derived from a bean plant, which naturally and safely interferes with the digestion of starchy carbohydrates. This interference means that undigested starches travel through the intestinal tract and are eliminated, thus reducing the calories available to your body.
We’ve added patented, food-bound chromium, which helps transport glucose from the blood into the cells. Chromium can have a positive effect on blood lipid levels and helps maintain blood sugar levels already within the normal range. Don’t avoid carbohydrates. Grab them!
Q: I’m not a meat lover. Do I really need more protein in my diet?
Protein helps build and repair muscle tissue. And increasing your lean muscle mass increases the rate that your body burns fuel for energy.
If you don’t want to increase your meat intake, try Nutri-Burn®, a delicious, nutritious powder that supplies pure whey and calcium caseinate protein for a powerful, muscle-building meal replacement. Lactose-free Nutri-Burn provides 25 grams of protein per serving and 60 percent or more of the Daily Value of 14 essential vitamins and minerals!
It also contains CLA (to enhance lean muscle mass), l-carnitine and green tea extract for extra fat-burning power, plant enzymes (to break down protein into amino acids for better absorption) and prebiotic fiber (to support gut health). Nutri-Burn helps boost energy levels and tastes great. For best results, use the Power Shaker.
Consider Additional Weight-Loss Products
• 7-Keto helps increase the body’s resting metabolic rate and stimulates production of T3 hormone, which is essential to metabolism.
• CLA helps sustain lean muscle mass and enhance fat burning. It may help support cholesterol levels already in the normal range.
(Each of these products is available separately.)
• Collatrim Plus provides protein and amino acids to help rebuild muscles and support lean muscle mass.
• Nature’s Cortisol Formula helps support the adrenal glands and maintain cortisol levels already in the normal range. This product may help the body manage stress, which can affect metabolism.
• Dieter’s Cleanse helps the body remove toxins and waste from the colon, which can affect nutrient absorption and weight loss. The best way to start a weight-loss program!
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Copyright and Reprint Information - All photos remain the property of Donna L. Watkins, but may be used with proper credit and link back to the website, Articles written by Donna L. Watkins may also be reprinted with proper credit and link back to the website,
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