Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Survey Results of Topic Votes

I didn't realize when I signed up for the survey website at SurveyMonkey.com that I was limited in seeing only the first 100 responses which we had in only four (4) days.  I wanted to run the poll for a few weeks to get a better average for what the 2000+ subscribers want.

However, it's comforting to me that for the most part I seem to be on target for what you want.  The real surprises were on the topics of simplify-frugal and newsletters.  The results and my comments are shown below along with the optional comments section of the poll.

Your Votes - Popularity of Topics

76%  health
62%  my healing journey
Since my close encounter with the medical world and relating my personal healing journey.  Due to the response I will continue to do so.  If you are interested in more health information, I also do TheHerbsPlaceNews.com website with health information.  Sign up to "Stay In Touch" (left side of website) in a variety of ways.  There are three (3) new posts added weekly, plus any sales that Nature's Sunshine Products announces.

62%  simplify-frugal
A real surprise to me was the high percentage of people liking the simplify-frugal topic.  I don't actually post a lot for that category since I do posts for TheFrugalLifeNews.com website. Randal and I swap off each month as editors.  Sign up to "Stay in Touch" (left side of website) in a variety of ways.  There are three (3) new posts added weekly.

This topic was included because we love living a debt-free simplified budget and lifestyle. Besides the frugal news website mentioned above, we have maintained TheFrugalLife.com website for over a decade. It has lots of frugal topics and a forum to search for answers or ideas. Check it out!

61%  creation-nature
60%  spiritual-written by me
These topics are my real passion for the website.  Sharing about our Heavenly Father and all the amazing things He created for us.  The title of the website, The Nature In Us, came from the idea that we have the very nature of God with Jesus in us.  Our journey on earth is to renew our minds to walk in that nature every day in every situation.

59%  gardening
Since there's an abundance of websites that specifically focus on the how-to of gardening, I share what's going on in our garden/habitat and photos related to it.  I love to promote gardening for wildlife.

45%  going green
Living more gently on the earth are ways to focus on Creation and the planet, but I had already cut back on these posts, so it's nice to see that I was in tune with the subscribers.

44%  photos
I love to take photos to remember moments of my life.  I add them to articles I write and use them in the twice-monthly newsletter.  It's nice to know that many of you do enjoy them with me.

44%  pets
Because we've always had pets, they are a part of our lives, but I realize not everybody has a pet.  I will be posting something twice a month for this topic.

41%  spiritual-written by others
Although many of you mentioned loving Andrew Wommack's articles, you obviously prefer articles written by me (I'm blushing ;-), so I will reduce his and other authors' articles and begin to write more myself.

20%  newsletters
I was most surprised by this response since I get the most email regarding the newsletters that I do on the 1st and 15th of the month.  Although I only began the newsletter category about 2-1/2 years ago, in the nine (9) years that I've been doing The Nature In Us website, there's never been a topic that has had more response/emails from readers telling me they love it.  I have been pleasantly surprised actually!

I can only guess, regarding the poll, that maybe it was confusing as to what I meant by newsletters.  Since it consists of only two (2) posts a month and the obvious popularity of it outside of the poll, I will continue to do this.

19%  travel
I already knew that this topic would not be of great interest to the majority since we have subscribers across the U.S. and in other countries.  My little excursions don't "fit" for everybody, so that's why only 6.7% of the total posts on the website are of this category.

Comments (From 32 of 100 voting)
(I have removed names that were on some of them for privacy reasons.)

really enjoy your posts, pictures. It has been fun reading about your travels, the history of places,and seeing the pictures. I have not been able to travel much the past few years, your travels have been fun to read and hope that someday I will be able to go. Thanks!
10/26/2012 11:23 PM
have 2 disabled sons trying to get healthier things for them
10/25/2012 1:41 PM
Love it all - especially how God has healed and is continuing to heal you. It really encourages the rest of us out here that need to receive healing and hear how God did it for you. Love all you send us.
10/25/2012 10:13 AM
Love it if you could have more from other countries. There are things in the US that will never apply to me in Australia: products, some of the climate, lots of the plants and animals... If you like, I'm happy to put in some articles.
10/25/2012 1:03 AM
I look forward to all of your articles, and enjoy them very much. 
10/24/2012 9:47 PM
I think your newsletter is perfect..... Just as it is. Be Well God Bless
10/24/2012 8:31 PM
Love it all!
10/24/2012 8:30 PM
Thank you for all you write! I enjoy it so much!
10/24/2012 8:22 PM
I love it the way it is. I enjoy the variety of things you write about & the beautiful photos. 
10/24/2012 7:38 PM
I appreciate your attitude and you writing about what has gone on in your life. I always smile after reading know how God must smile at your faith and attitude and how willing you are to help others.
10/24/2012 6:15 PM
anything you do, I like, ,,,,,I LOVE the Andrew Wommack articles you include when you summarize his teachings. I listen to him almost every day, and you do such a great job of summarizing and bringing it to a personal level. Thank you! Keep it up!
10/24/2012 4:51 PM
anything you do, I like, ,,,,,
10/24/2012 4:05 PM
I am on my own healing journey and interested in health, gardening, love pets and I try to be frugal. I listen to Andrew Wommack every day and buy his training guides. I am interested in most things you have listed above. My husband has some health problems, diabetes, 2 mechanical heart valves, and is on his 2nd pacemaker. I thank God for His healing promises (my husband doesn't believe as I do).
10/24/2012 3:44 PM
Thank you for your faith. I was so pleasantly surprized. I am sure that you shall be blessed. I do believe that we can be healed and that it isn't just in the bible. I join you in prayer for your good health.
10/24/2012 3:41 PM
I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of your "posts." You are an inspiration to us all in many ways. I wouldn't change a thing! Thank you so much for sharing.
10/24/2012 2:44 PM
10/24/2012 2:06 PM
I like the fact you do not only use what you know off the top of your head yet you add stories from other sites as well to get more in depth information.
10/24/2012 1:30 PM
Ok, what can I say. I like them all.
10/24/2012 1:17 PM

Thank you SO much or your posts. They have really helped me along in my spiritual life and quest for healing!
10/25/2012 10:21 AM
Just keep 'em coming!
10/25/2012 10:13 AM
thank you for all the info
10/25/2012 3:45 AM
The reason why I love your emails is because you have a Christian bias and you are a greenie - same as me! And we're continents and an ocean away. Thank you for all that you do and share. May God richly bless you.
10/25/2012 1:03 AM
I think your newsletter is perfect..... Just as it is. Be Well God Bless
10/24/2012 8:31 PM
don't change a thing. you are such a blessing 
10/24/2012 7:51 PM
I don't know what feed or feedburner email is.
10/24/2012 7:38 PM
not sure what feedburner email is. I recieve by email (same thing?) smile.
10/24/2012 6:22 PM
10/24/2012 6:15 PM
You're the bestest. Whatever you write is a reflection of who you are, and what's not to love there? Blessings!
10/24/2012 3:47 PM
It is hard for me to choose!
10/24/2012 3:15 PM
thank you. I'm very encouraged by your newsletter.
10/24/2012 1:54 PM
I really like your articles
10/24/2012 1:30 PM
Love to read you newsletter! Thank you!
10/24/2012 1:20 PM

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