Friday, April 1, 2011

Newsletter - 4/1/11

Hello Dear Friends!

We returned from a trip down to South Carolina earlier this week and after seeing all the trees and flowers in bloom, it's a bit difficult to view the bare trees and dreary days of rain we've had.  But that rain will make all the flowers and trees come out faster, so that's my focus.

NEED HELP!  What Kind of Bird Is This?  Black Face and Yellow Belly.
Size of Cardinal.  Click on it to see larger version.
I'm excited that I have gathered up a few more adventures for my 60th year.  If I get to see some new species in our garden this year, I may even surpass the 60 new adventures goal for my 60th year of life.  Speaking of new species ... does anybody know what kind of bird this is?

On our way to South Carolina, we stopped at a few places.  Natural areas of some kind, although there's always a bit of history thrown into many places since land has been around a long time.  So, you'll see some posts below for Oconneechee State Park in Virginia, Centennial Campus Center for Wildlife Resources (a sustainable green building and environment on the grounds) in Raleigh, NC, and also J. C. Raulston Arboretum in Raleigh, NC.  The rest of the trip will have to wait a bit.  I'm still working on the photo albums, but I'll do a post as soon as I am done.

Note:  All photo albums give as much detail about a place as I can get.  Generally I take photos of the signs and then key in the info and delete the sign photo.  That seems to be the easiest process since it gives info right with the exact picture it goes to.  When we take a trip I tend to put a lot into each day so it also helps me to reinforce what I saw and to remember what I read so the memories of the time are more sunk into my brain.

Randal and I will celebrate our 34th wedding anniversary on April 9th.  The years just keep on jogging along.  I'm not into jogging, but am very grateful I can still walk.  The Piedmont area of NC and the coastal area in SC that we visited had easy trails, which is my kind of walking.  It's so easy to focus on photographing with an easy trail.

Squeek, aka Kitty Girl, aka Precious
Our precious cat, Squeek, seems to be a bit under the weather.  She's an FIV kitty so we have to keep at supporting her immune system.  Nothing has been lacking there, but it seems she's just not quite right and there's an odor in her breath that indicates something could be going wrong in the intestinal system.  I'm working on it.

I would appreciate your prayers so much!  For wisdom in what directions to take.  Since she was a feral kitty, she nearly died from the terror of our last vet visit, and these days vets are under so much legal mumble-jumble, they won't do anything without a visit and lots of tests.  She's going to be 15 and I don't want to put her through that if I don't have to.  Stress is so hard on the immune system.

We've been enjoying the pretty color on the walls since we painted earlier this year.  Now it's time to do the carpet.  Everything seems to pass away with time.  Anybody have any experience with choosing an eco-carpet?  We don't want the gassing off of regular carpets that is so toxic to the air and whatever walks on it ... certainly not something we need for our kitty, Squeek.

I like that Shaw recycles any carpet that is replaced rather than dumping it into the landfill.  But I'm going to be researching what carpets are actually made out of .... and then there's the issue of the pad under it.  I'm told that is really the more toxic of the two due to the bonding agents of making the pad from scraps.  Well ... there's always a project or two or three on my burner, so until next time .... I'm off to the photo gallery.

Love, Hugs and Blessings!

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The photo(s) and article are copyrighted. You may use either of them if you include the following credit and active link back to this website: © 2010 Donna L. Watkins - This article was reprinted with permission from The link to use is:

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