Monday, April 13, 2009

All About Diabetes

A Common Sense Approach to Strengthening the Pancreas
by James D. Jenks, H.M.D.

The Medical Sciences are trying so hard to understand diabetes. The simple fact is diabetes is unknown in countries where people can't afford to overeat. Solutions to the human health may best be investigated in our kitchen and not in labs with rats as this does seem to be with whom the scientific mind prefers to work.

Diabetic symptoms are simple and everyday. Classic symptoms are excessive thirst and urination, excessive hunger but weight loss despite increased food consumption. General weakness, skin disorders, including boils and vaginal infections, blurred vision, tingling, leg cramps, impotence and dry mouth are frequent complaints.

Diabetic ketoacidosis is a condition where the excess sugar in the urine also dehydrates the body causing acids to build up in the body. Ketoacidosis can be life threatening if allowed to progress to a coma state. Other chronic complications are coronary heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and blindness.

Our medical sciences have been pumping animal insulin into all diabetics for some time. In 1980, the ADA said about 40% of known diabetics were misdiagnosed. With the new 'fat' understanding of Type II, we can see that in five of the six diabetics or as high as ten of eleven, the lack of insulin is not the problem. The side effects of insulin are serious and the possible iatrogenic disease fatalities here are staggering.

A National Health Magazine, written by M.D's, recently reported on several diabetics who decreased their insulin requirements with diet and exercise. Now, even the M.D.'s have the door open. So, let's step into a program, which helps the body renew itself and regenerate the organs.

There are four major considerations for the person with diabetic tendencies or symptoms. Read the entire article.

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