Cats are cute and cuddly, but they still are felines. Their instincts are to hunt. Many cat owners are horrified to find their cat stalking and killing birds, especially those at the bird feeder. It’s estimated cats kill more than 4.4 million birds a year. Unless you keep your cat indoors 24/7, there is a possibility they will go after birds in your yard.
Now there’s a new product that will allow your cat to roam the property freely, yet prevent them from catching and killing birds.
The catbib is a lightweight neoprene material that attaches to the cat’s collar. It hangs down in front of your cat to disrupt their hunting while allowing the cat to run, jump, eat, sleep, and act normally. The brightly colored bib alerts birds to a cat’s presence before they strike.
Tests at Murdock University, Western Australia, showed the catbib prevented 81% of cats from catching birds. It also reduces small mammal predation as well.
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truly rubbish invention
Well, I'm impressed with the statistics and as one who has neighbor's cats prowling our feeders, I'm glad to see something's out there if anybody has an interest in using it. There are far too many birds being killed by cats to simply ignore the problem.
Donna I am afraid the number dont add up in 10years time thats 44million birds . This is truely B.S. by the American bird conservatory. I have owned 7 cats in the last 10 years and not one bird has died not one from my cats
well, I think my friend your cats are in the minority. I love cats and had many in my time, but I have never encountered one yet that doesn't catch birds. Perhaps you should genetically engineer your non bird catching cats, there could be a market for them!
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