Register with Ebates and get cash back every time you shop. Register now and get $5 cash or a $10 gift card. When you're ready to shop, you simply go to the Ebates website and click on the store you want to order from. Registration is free!
There are 1,200 options with well-known online stores such as WalMart, eBay, Old Navy, Land's End, Dick's Sporting Goods, Sears, travel, music, movies, garden supplies, jewelry, flowers, toys, electronics, business supplies, and on and on the list goes.
There are no points to redeem, no forms to mail in and no fees. Stores pay Ebates a sales commission for sending shoppers through and Ebates uses the commission to pay you cash back. All they need is an email address to notify you when your cash back has been credited.
There are no obligations or fees. We signed up in 2006 and we have received $446.02 so far. Part of that is from referrals. You get a link that you can use in emails, blogs, Facebook, etc. to refer friends to this great deal ... just like I'm doing now :-)
Here's a few common questions:
How quickly is cash back credited to my account?
Most cash back rewards are credited within 48 hours. Some stores, however, cannot confirm your purchase until the return period has elapsed and may take up to thirty days to confirm your cash back.
How can I get paid my cash back?
You will be paid quarterly and only need a rebate of $5.01 accrued to get payment. If you don't have that in one quarter, it will carryover to the next quarter. You never lose your rebates. There are various methods of payment:
1) Big Fat Check: We send a check directly to you – mailing fees are on Ebates.
2) PayPal: We deposit your payment in your PayPal account – sender’s fees are on Ebates.
3) Charity/Organization/Family Member: It’s free and mailing fees are on Ebates.
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