Okay, they weren't sold for free, but we purchased them with "free money" we've earned at over the past year and a half. I'm so excited. They arrived today! Ebates is a site that links to a zillion websites where we all shop, and by clicking through Ebates to your regular shopping sites, you earn a rebate.
The average for our purchases is from 6-8%. That adds up even though we're not big shoppers, but you also earn $5 for referrals, so in less than 3 years, we've earned $642.40. We like to do something special with those rebates, so we decided to buy binoculars that we've been considering for over a year.
Our current binoculars were purchased in the early 80's so we figured it was time to invest in a better pair. After a lot of research, Randal chose a Nikon model. Our neighbor that has since moved to TN had purchased the same ones since he's a birdwatcher also, and he's very happy with them.'s 29 reviews rated the Nikon 7294 Monarch ATB 8x42 Binoculars
Just in time for our Valentine's celebration. We love birds and wildlife, so we're spending our 'love day' doing what we love most since it is going to be 60 degrees on Sunday here in central Virginia. I'll be sure to take a lot of photos and Randal will give the binoculars a good workout while we visit some 'new to us' natural areas that aren't too far from home.
If you haven't already used Ebates .... Check it out now! Get three (3) people signed up and shopping before end of month and you'll get $30.
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