Friday, September 14, 2007

Being You

by Donna L. Watkins

These two juvenile birds (a bluejay on the left and red-headed woodpecker on right) are getting an idea of who they are as they discover new things each day. Both species are generally very independent types, but these two young 'uns don't seem to know that yet.

In a subsequent photo (not of good quality) they actually had their bills together as if one were feeding the other.

Wouldn't it be grand to revisit that stage of life where we haven't yet learned the socially acceptable behaviors? We don't have a list of who we talk to and who we don't. Everybody we see is another opportunity for fun and sharing who you are while you allow others to be who they are without judgment. How lovely that kind of a world would be!

God has a purpose for every person He creates. Each birth is a miracle and within that baby's soul is a passion and purpose for each day of their life. That doesn't mean bad circumstances won't happen, and it definitely does not mean that God makes those bad things happen, but when we accept Jesus into our heart as Savior, His work on the cross and our love for God makes all the bad become good in our lives.

There is an IF clause to Ro. 8:28. If we love Him. Many people don't see any good in the awful events in their lives because they are bitter and angry and they are not loving God, evidenced by the fact that they don't trust Him with their lives. They won't release the pain and hurts of the past. They have a long list of rights, but those rights are only creating more wrong in their lives. There's no human way to get around deep wounds. We need to place them at the foot of the cross where Jesus died to heal them.

When we are free of all the chains that we've wrapped around ourselves, we can then begin to see God's plan for our lives. Each of us were made differently and we do not need to strive to become somebody else. It's not part of God's plan that you be able to be it all, do it all, and control it all.

Have you ever compared yourself to somebody else? How does it make you feel? It will never make you feel good. The Bible tells us we all have different gifts (illustrated as parts of the body). We can't all be hands, or all be heads. We are unique and will never be just like somebody else. It's a sin to desire it. Envy and coveting are sins. Loving who you are is what God desires.

Joyce Meyer says, "God's grace will never be available to you to become another person. He created you to be you - the best "you" you can be. Forget about trying to be someone else."

She gives an example in her own life where she wanted to be like her pastor's wife, who was her image of the ideal woman. She was "sweet, petite, cute, blonde, soft-spoken, gentle, mild, and endowed with the gift of mercy." Joyce described herself: "I, on the other hand, with my deep voice and straightforward, blunt personality, did not seem very sweet, gentle, mild, or merciful." She tried to be like the ideal woman, but sounded phony.

The interesting part of the story is that these two women did not get along. Finally a confrontation between them revealed that this ideal woman was trying to be more like Joyce, less fragile and more forceful, and to deal with people and things more directly and with greater boldness. No wonder they did not get along, each of them were a constant reminder that they were not becoming who they thought they needed to be.

Are you enjoying your very own personally created by God uniqueness or are you at war with yourself as Joyce and the pastor's wife were? Take your God-given rights to be yourself! Do not let the devil steal who you are by telling you that you need to be somebody else. Relish your own abilities and skills and talents. Bask in them, play in them, and enjoy who you are!

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