If you haven't heard of Irwin Rosenberg, here's his inspiring story from The Word For You Today:
© 2009 Donna L. Watkins - Male Bullfrog on Rock in Our Pond

Irwin then focused his attention on becoming a naval officer again, but he discovered that Navy regulations forbade reinstatement of a person discharged with cancer.
Everyone around him said, "Give up. It can't be done. It would take an Act of Congress to get you reinstated." Their advice gave him an idea - he'd pursue an Act of Congress.
After years of waiting, petitioning, cutting through red tape and battling bureaucracy, President Truman eventually signed into law a special bill that allowed Irwin Rosenberg to reenlist in the Navy - and go on to become a Rear Admiral in the U.S. Seventh Fleet!"
It sounds like Irwin knew what his calling in life was all about. You have to know what your purpose is to be so determined and full of faith enough to bring it about with God's guidance. Determination is a great character quality, but after awhile if that's your only weapon against tragedy and failure, it will become rusty and not work as well as it used to.
There was a time when I thought determination was all I needed. Yes, I wanted God's guidance and blessing on my plans ... but I didn't focus on what He wanted. I have a brain full of great ideas, but most of them have never been God ideas. Not long ago, I had an idea and got instantly excited and dove right into working it through. As I stumbled over some rocks (that should've made me pause to look up), I kept on going with determination in high gear. Then as the road turned to continual rocks, I already knew in my spirit that I had not asked if this was a project I was to do.
We will continue to make mistakes until we reach Heaven. That's not reason enough to condemn yourself. It's part of life and God uses it all for good in our lives if we focus on loving Him in it. When we condemn ourselves we are condemning God for allowing it to happen. We're human and He knows that. So, say, "Oops!" and repent and move on with a prayer asking the Holy Spirit to remind you in a louder voice next time. I know it's not the Holy Spirit that's lacking, it's that my brain doesn't take time to tune in when it's off and running with one of my great ideas.
So, first get the go-ahead from God, then gather up all the determination you have and go for it! Get back up or get started. There's no promises that you won't stumble over some rocks ... but God will make a way for you if you're on His mission and not your own.
What mission are you in the middle of right now? If it's been a continual struggle, you might check in with the Commander to make sure you've been assigned to this duty.
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What Is Your Purpose or Calling?
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Hearing God's Voice
The book that is having a monumental impact on my life and way of living is one called, How To Hear God's Voice by Mark and Patti Virkler. The clear and detailed content with loads of Scriptural backup, along with the interactive process of applying what you are learning, is yielding a lot of spiritual fruit in my life and the life of my husband, the counselor, who is now promoting the book to everyone he knows. Your view of the present, past and future will never be the same when you begin to commune with God as He always intended us to do since He walked with man in the Garden of Eden. For those who yearn for a deeper relationship with the Father, this book will take you there if you read and apply it. The author promises that and I do too!
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© 2009 Donna L. Watkins - This article was reprinted with permission from TheNatureInUs.com.
The link URL is: http://www.TheNatureInUs.com
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