A quarter of the 836 species of birds protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act are in serious decline. For a third of the other birds there is not enough information to be sure about the health of their populations.
The death of 5,000 birds in Arkansas was a great tragedy, but human-induced bird deaths are many. Please read and be informed ... maybe there's something you can do different with the knowledge gained.
Read the New York Times article: Conspiracies Don't Kill Birds, People However Do
“It is the story that the press and the public have largely missed, and it is important, and timely, given the current concern,” she said. “And it is what gets those of us who work in bird conservation motivated every day to try to deal with human-induced changes to our habitats, our landscape and our very climate.”
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Personally, it's the same old nonsense w/this explanation & the scientist(s) who reported this basically are saying they really don't know what caused 5000 red wing blackbirds to fall out of the sky on that day in Arkansas. Come on people, there's got to be a more logical explanation. While I understand the cycle of life, I can't accept 5000 of them dropping dead like that.
This is not really an event that doesn't happen at other times. The following article link explains the deadly disturbance of all the lights that distract migrating birds. Here's a bit of it:
Navigating primarily by the stars, night-migrating birds become disoriented by city lights. They confuse the billions of human-made lights in tall city buildings with starlight--especially in foggy or rainy weather, and especially after midnight, when the birds begin to descend from their peak migration altitude. Once disoriented, many birds collide with the buildings and fall to the sidewalks below. Others, like moths attracted to light, flutter around the lighted windows until they are exhausted.
Birds by the hundreds and even thousands can be injured or killed in a single night at just one building. The problem is greatest in cities along flyways and along large bodies of water (such as lakeshores or rivers), which birds follow during migration. Many song birds evolved migrating at night, when predators retire and winds die down, and human-made lights interfere with nature's ways. Here's the link
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