by Henry W. Wright
What people do not realize is that Fear, stress and anxiety many times are coupled with the Unloving spirit. Fear is directly tied to not being loved and not feeling safe.
To be free of Fear, you must be able to receive love and feel safe in it, regardless of whether anyone loves you or not. God loves you. An Unloving spirit and the spirit of Fear are anti-christ spirits because they debate and dethrone the Word of God in your life. They cast down what God has said about His faithfulness to you. You must get to a place where you understand and believe that you are accepted of God and loved of God. If you are not perfect in the love of God and you have Fear within you, torment comes. It is torment of the spirit and torment of the soul. That is the mind body connection.
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 1John 4:18
When you have Fear, you are not made perfect in love. You are unable to give and receive love without Fear. Lack of love and the presence of Fear go hand inhand. If there is no Fear in love and you are complete in love, Fear has to go. You have to accept that you are loved of God and you are eternally preserved for Him forever. If you are complete in God's love, why should you fear?
Faith represents your future. Fear represents the destruction of your future. Faith and Fear are equal in this dimension: they both demand to be fulfilled.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
Your hopes motivate you because that is what faith is. Faith involves God's plan for you. Your hopes need to be based on the known will and knowledge of God as revealed by the Word of God. Fear will try to create your future. It projects into the future, based on your past. What you are meditating on or thinking about every day occupies your mind. You may be meditating on the good things or you may be thinking about all the things that will go wrong in your life today and tomorrow. The object of your fear is not only being projected into tomorrow, but also yesterday's projected fear is here today. If Fear is a form of faith and you believe what Fear says and not what God says, then according to your Fear-faith so be it unto you. Both are demanding to be fulfilled.
Faith will always defeat Fear, because faith is a work of the Holy Spirit. Fear is a work of the created being named Lucifer, who fell and became Satan.
When we feel rejected, we are agreeing with Satan's kingdom. An unloving spirit is right there and says there's a good reason that we are rejected. We must be evil and unclean and no good. We find justification for our rejection. We fear we are going to fail. We fear what others may think. We fear they won't love us. Going under rejection brings bitterness, jealousy, envy, fear, unloving spirits and ultimately disease.
Love and acceptance is the antidote to Rejection. The reversal of Rejection is accepting God's love and acceptance without exception. According to the word of God, you are designed and created on purpose for His pleasure because He foreknew you before the very foundation of the world.
Know who you are in Christ. Knowing who you are in Christ is of prime importance. This is the antidote to an identity crisis. The Father has accepted you, but have you accepted yourself? Rejection will not allow you to accept yourself. Self -Rejection, Self-Hatred, Guilt, Unloving spirits, images, impressions and emotions will tell you that you are not the "fairest of them all". Jesus dealt with that in Isaiah 53. It said very clearly that He was not a man that you would desire Him after the flesh. He was not comely, and there was nothing in His physical appearance that would appeal to you.
Isaiah 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
You have get rid of Self-Rejection. If God be for you, who can be against you? You have no right to reject yourself if God has accepted you. He has accepted you through Jesus Christ.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
The Lord had to deal with Rejection. He showed it was possible to defeat it and not make it part of His life. In His strength, as a work of the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Father and the Holy Spirit will be there to meet you and remove Rejection from your life so that you can be free from it and have your peace.
The prerequisites for freedom from Rejection are:
1) Making peace with God once and for all.
2) Making peace with yourself once and for all.
3) Making peace with your brother once and for all (even if it is 70 times 7 in your relationship of forgiveness).
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