We received a letter from Target Earth, an organization we have been a part of since the 80's. The letters we receive are always inspiring. I wanted to share part of the most recent one for those who share concern about the earth and the poor:
"During this season of Thanksgiving we are mindful of all the goodness and all the gifts God provides us in the work of Target Earth. In our efforts we are often humbled by the spirit of the poorest of the poor.
We are aware of the material goods we can bring into their communities to lessen the burden of poverty, but we are not always ready for the direct, grounded way they give back to us.
'If you have lost your heart of gratitude, you have lost everything,' a village mother recently told us while we ate rice and beans under her rickety lean-to.
Indeed. The clutter of so much can suffocate a heart."
That just stirred my soul so much! Proverbs 19:27 says, "He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again." What an incredible investment. 100% return!
More about Target Earth.
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