Originally Published in A Healing Moment
How many times have you spoken against your own flesh? With rheumatoid arthritis, I sometimes get out of bed in the morning feeling like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz.
© 2008 Donna L. Watkins - Costa Rica

Regardless of where our state of health is, due to whatever circumstances have propelled it downward, we are still made in the image of God. We should not be calling our flesh bad when God says what He made is good. If you want to rag on something, go against the disease or health issue you have. While you're at it, tell it you don't intend to live like this any more. We have the power within us to turn on the healing force that God has placed inside each one of us.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. That's incredibly awesome! Your hands and feet, your mind and heart are stamped with the imprint of God, our Creator. No wonder the devil attracts us in every way he can so we will speak against ourself.
The devil is a deceiver and wants only your destruction to keep you from worshiping and following our Lord. As Joni says, "He has one goal in mind: your spiritual defeat, emotional malignment and physical frustration. If he tries to get you to agree with him today ... don't!"
God is there for us. He is not the author of disease, but of life everlasting! Don't let the devil tell you that God has done this to you. Far too many in these days have turned away from God because of trials and tribulations that they think are coming from God. There is a spiritual realm of darkness that would have you join it. Their time is limited so they use it to entice those from walking in the Light to join them in their Darkness.
God is there for you! Consider:
"... if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." (Psalm 139:8b-10)
We live in a fallen world, but we have the power of Christ within us if we have accepted Him as Savior. Access that power and turn away from those dark voices. Speak Truth from the Word about who you are and about your illness. We truly truly have the power for wellness within us!
God, help me to see myself and my body, even when it lacks perfect health, as wonderfully made by You, our Creator and maker of all things. This fallen world provides many temptations of food that not only lacks any nutrition, but contains toxic chemicals. We breathe in air that is now polluted from our lack of good stewardship of this Earth you made for us. Help us to make good food choices and to overcome our health issues through the blood of Jesus. Remind me daily to care for my body which you call "the temple of the Holy Spirit." Thank you for being there for me always. Amen.
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© 2000-2008 Donna L. Watkins - This article was reprinted with permission. Visit the author's website, TheNatureInUs.com for more articles and free email subscription.
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