Since I've made the decision to spend more time on myself and my health-building program, I've had great rewards. Too often we believe the needs of others are more important than our own, even when others are not even asking for anything.
© 2009 Christina Bethke - Lucy Who Knows How To Have Fun

I was always one that didn't fuss about myself ... there were too many things to be done, and I enjoyed the process of doing. However, my health obviously paid a price. Now, I'm learning to do better and regaining the ground that the devil stole from my health.
One of the things lacking in my program was exercise. With weak adrenals you can't do aerobics or machines since they only make you tired, when exercise is supposed to give you energy. Walking is the best form of exercise, but I'm not a repetitious type person. My husband has been walking with a neighbor at 6:30 in the morning for years. The same two mile route. It drives my mind dizzy to even imagine it.
Take away the asphalt and replace it with a woodland path and I'd be hitting the ground daily - same path, but so many different things going on in nature that each day would be a new experience. Woodland paths are miles away so that's not a daily option for me. So, I went back to rebounding.
I had forgotten the many benefits of it. Since I'm fighting an auto-immune disease I have to liberate my cells which get bogged down with the toxins of hypersensitive allergenic reactions. Rebounding has an amazing way of cleaning up the body and it builds muscle at the same time, which is something I definitely need since rheumatoid arthritis attacks the muscles also. I was having difficulty holding a jug of water to fill my glass.
I began slow but I noticed such a difference quickly. No more severe fatigue and the muscle strength is very exciting. Since I would get easily bored with this daily routine, I use it as a time to accomplish more than exercise in my health program. I have Scripture cards so I can memorize and meditate on the powerful Word while my body is in the process of focusing on healing.
I bounce and say, "Happy, Healthy, Holy Cells" and see happy faces within each of my cells. I've read so many stories of people who spent time visualizing what their bodies must do to get rid of a disease ... and with the power we know we have with our minds, it can only do good and speed the process, so why not!?
The results are becoming so evident. I have so much more energy and with more time focused on the Word, my spirit rejoices in life and healing. Even though I'm spending hours each day on eating right, taking all my supplements, drinking all the water I need, exercising, spending longer periods in the Word ... I am able to get more done than I was doing before I made myself my first priority.
God loves us and wants us to love ourselves. Getting busy with tasks and people before we care for ourselves is not a good thing. Although it would seem that the sacrifice is beneficial, I have not found it to be so. I know that my mother showed no joy in her own life ... and many who run themselves ragged from morning to night have no peace or joy to share either.
Although it's winter, a time that in the past I've dreaded, my mind is busy with more important things and I am not experiencing more pain because of the cold. I'm actually doing so much better than I was even in the summer. I know this is because of what I am choosing to think and believe. How awesome it is to use our mind for what we truly want in life, rather than to allow it to run wild.
I'll close with one of my favorite Scriptures. Memorizing Scripture has been easier doing it over and over as I bounce, so that's a great side benefit. It makes me smile and want to shout for joy!
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the Everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not grow tired or weary and His understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall,
But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will mount up on wings like eagles, they will run and not be weary,
They will walk and not faint.
We can all rise up like eagles! Capture the energy of your thoughts and keep it positive. Come fly with me!
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